lib2: general purpose library. It contains a .c and .h and its CMakeFiles.txt allows you to install it in/usr/local/include. lib1 and lib2: they are two libraries that exist by themselves and are taken from their respective projects. cmaketutorial: this is the project in question, i...
include_directories(../lib_test) link_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib) add_executable(main ${SRC_LIST}) target_link_libraries(main test1) set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin) 解释说明: --link_directories: 添加非标准的共享库搜索路径。 --target_link_libraries: 把目标文...
I've also found that if I addinclude_directories(${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/oneapi)to my CMakeLists.txt, and change the#include <oneapi/tbb.h>to#include <tbb.h>it correctly finds the file, but then throws the same error as in my first edit: /home/cgnam/mamba_envs/my_...
对于modern cmake:首先会根据相对路径或环境变量来寻找相应的头文件、库文件等,然后生成伪目标(IMPORTED target),配置它的 INTERFACE 属性,从而可以被其它 target 直接调用,同时也会维护例如Abc_FOUND等基本的变量; 对于早期 CMake 的配置文件,则非常简单粗暴,将所有的信息通过Abc_FOUND、Abc_INCLUDE_DIRS、Abc_LIBRA...
动态库(Dynamically Loaded Libraries) 在Linux 中,静态库命名为 lib*.a;而动态库和共享库本质是一个类似的东西,只是在 Linux 中叫作共享对象 lib*.so(Share Object),而在 Window 中叫作动态加载链接, 文件后缀为 .dll。 在C 语言中,不管是使用哪一种库,程序员必须在程序中通过 include 来包含相应的头文件...
5 Dynamically Loaded (DL) Libraries 使用动态加载库: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { void *handle; double (*cosine)(double); char *error; handle = dlopen ("/lib/", RTLD_LAZY); ...
target_include_directories(subtraction PUBLIC include) target_link_libraries(main subtraction) get_target_property(result2 main LINK_DIRECTORIES) message("result2: ${result2}") # result2: /C;/B;/A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ...
#include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node *position; typedef int ElementTP; // point to the head node of the list typedef struct node *STACK; struct node { ElementTP element; position next; }; STACK init_stack(void); void delete_stack(STACK); ...