can you please knock can you see an insect can you see it in my can you tell me a lit can you tell me what cant stop this thing cant afford to cant be helped cant change cant count it cant execute cant fall asleep and cant get you out cant hold up the weig cant live without ...
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CAutoPtr<MyClass> apMyC; apMyC.Attach(pMyC); // The overloaded -> operator allows the // CAutoPtr object to be used in place of the pointer. apMyC->Test(); // Assign a second CAutoPtr, using the = operator. CAutoPtr<MyClass> apMyC2; apMyC2 = apMyC; // The casting opera...
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Include files are installed on the local system as members of a partitioned data set. This data set should be included in the SYSLIB DD concatenation when the application program is compiled. The data set name is determined during installation unless changed by the local system programmer. The ...
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