English 妙语连珠100句 妙語連珠100句 1.He is the typical absent-minded professor, always leaving his umbrella on the bus.他是個粗心的家伙,常把雨傘遺忘在巴士上.Professor 是教授,大有學問的人,但加了absent-minded 便不妙了,指那些“盲頭蒼蠅”,做事心不在焉者.2.Don’t be afraid. He’s all ...
IF語句 IF condition THEN true-part [ELSE false-part] END IF 註解: -- /**/ 不支援 limit 改用rownum select table_name from (select rownum no, table_name from all_tables) where no=1 單雙引號 單引號: string, date 雙引號: identifier (table name, column name, ...) 其它 SYS.DATA...