官网如下:uthash: a hash table for C structures (troydhanson.github.io) 下面以介绍记录整形数据int为键的具体使用。 基本配置 在下载好资源后找出uthash.h该文件。然后只要在我们需要用的地方include即可。 然后非常重要一点,我们需要手动编写自己的哈希节点的数据结构。 // header #include "uthash.h" // ha...
int quadratic_probing_insert(int *hashtable, int *empty, int key); int main(){ int hashtable[SIZE]; //Creating the hash table int empty[SIZE] = {0}; //Initializing all elements in the array 'empty' to 0 int i; for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++){ quadratic_probing_insert(hashtable, empt...
原文地址:https://github.com/jamesroutley/write-a-hash-table/tree/master/05-methods 分类: 数据结构 标签: Hash Table , C , C++ 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 博客圆萌主 粉丝- 8 关注- 4 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: [译]C语言实现一个简易的Hash table(4) »...
A fast hash map/hash table (whatever you want to call it) for the C programming language. - Mashpoe/c-hashmap
A type-safe, generic C hash table. Contribute to IvanoBilenchi/uhash development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hash Table Library for C. Contribute to zfletch/zhash-c development by creating an account on GitHub.
Simple hash table implementation for C. Contribute to watmough/jwHash development by creating an account on GitHub.
// main.c #includehash_table.h intmain(){ ht_hash_table* ht =ht_new(); ht_del_hash_table(ht); } 上一章:hash表介绍 下一章:hash函数 原文地址:https://github.com/jamesroutley/write-a-hash-table/tree/master/02-hash-table
Very simple, idiomatic and thread-safe implementation of Hashtables for Golang using Seperate chaining. Installation ❯ go get -u github.com/HotPotatoC/hashtable Usage Set a value ht := hashtable.New() ht.Set("user", "John") Get a value ht.Get("user") // John Remove a value ht...
this hash table implementation is currently hardwired to be used with string keys. it would be trivial to support other types too, but the more generic, the more messy the API becomes. see test.c for usage examples. Releases No releases published...