1. C Harmonic Minor Scale是[Piano]Ud-学习弹钢琴或键盘从零到英雄教程~ (128P)的第88集视频,该合集共计129集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
morning355321 曲谱信息 标题: Hanon 39:C harmonic minor scale 作曲者: Hanon 表演者: Hanon 改编/制谱: 未知 调号: E♭调 风格: 练习 难度: 初学 类型: 改编 收藏量: - 热度: 曲谱简介: Book covers commonly used basic piano techniques, including the five fingers exercises, scales, arpeggios, du...
每个调都有一个核心音,叫主音,白键组成的大调音阶主音是C,一般称为C大调自然音阶(C natural major scale),白键组成的小调音阶主音是A,一般称为a小调自然音阶(a natural minor scale)。我们注意这七个音之间的音程关系,会发现C与B之间是半音即相邻,E与F之间也是半音,其他相邻的音之间都包含一个黑键或音程是全...
hanon演唱的曲谱作品(含同名歌手演唱作品) ·hanon 39:c harmonic minor scale 作词未知 作曲未知 ·hanon 39:c major scale ·hanon 37 ·hanon 36 ·hanon 35 ·hanon 34 ·hanon 33 ·hanon 32 ·hanon 31 ·hanon 30 hanon主页
简单来说,调式和弦互换(Modal Interchange)的意义是平行调(Parallel mode)之间的音阶及和弦(Scale tone and chord)的交换运用。最常见是大调系统(Major system)向它的平行小调(Parallel Minor)互换/借用音阶及和弦。平行调是指两个有相同主音(Tonic)的调,例如C major与C natural minor;F major与F harmonic minor等...
No.39-26-c shape harmonic minor scale 哈农 标签:独奏谱其他 作曲:无 作词:无 来源:无 播放量:2 作品 共1首 c#调 第39条-26-升c和声小调音阶 哈农by:文艺青年 AI谱独奏谱调性:c调人气:478
1 2 3 4 5 6b 7b)非常吻合,因此可以在F7#5和弦上使用F Melodic Major(见下方旋律小调的7个调试...
C Double harmonic C Enigmatic C Chromatic C Diatonic C Nine tone scale C Major locrian Exotic Scales/Modes C Arabian C Byzantine C Hungarian major C Hungarian minor (gipsy) C Mohammedan C Neopolitan C Neopolitan major C Neopolitan minor C Persian C Purvi theta C Todi theta C Spanish gipsy ...
By the end of this lesson, you’ll know how to make a C major scale and play it in first position. Let’s begin! What is a Scale? Before you begin, refresh yourself on the notes of the open strings of the ukulele. Tuned in standard tuning, from the top to bottom string, the no...
current su ly device current system hypoth current techichi current type harmonic current direct dc current feedback current-cost accounti current-illuminationc current-limitingcircu current-voltage curve currentaddress currentamplificationf currentcontroller currentdirectoryworki currentexchange currentinstruction...