dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Use current process ID in this example. // Architecture (x64/x86) of target process should be the same with this example. dwPID = GetCurrentProcessId(); hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE...
loThreadToProcess(Data->Thread) : PsGetCurrentProcess(); ///把Thread转换成Exprocess结构 HandleToUlong(PsGetProcessldf processObject));///通过Exprocess结构拿到PID Data->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus; ///pIrp->loStatus.Status=ntStatus; Data->IoStatus.Information = 0; ///跟IRP类似 Eltobjects->Vol...
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<unistd.h>intmain(){pid_tpid;// 声明一个进程标识符变量// 使用 fork() 创建子进程pid = fork();if(pid <0) {// fork() 失败perror("Fork failed");exit(1); }elseif(pid ==0) {// 子进程printf("This is the child process (PID=%d).\n"...
How to Get the PID of a Process with the Getpid() Function In this example, we create a simple application that calls the getpid() function, displays the returned PID on the command console, and then goes into an infinite loop. Then, we search for the process and monitor it with a se...
voidpr_curentdir(){charstr[PATHNAME_MAX];charbuf[PATHNAME_MAX];snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"/proc/%d/exe", pid);/* <=> snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "/proc/self/exe"); */readlink(str, buf,sizeof(str));printf("current work path: %s\n", buf); ...
=0)returndwPid;}return-1;}intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){int pid=0;pid=Get_ProcessID("新建文本文档.txt - 记事本");printf("进程PID为: %d \n",pid);HANDLEhProcess=OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,pid);if(hProcess!=NULL){TerminateProcess(hProcess,0);// 终止进程}system("pause");...
CollectAllocations:从/proc/pid/maps 的信息中分类,将栈 stack、全局/静态存储区 (.bss 段和.data 段)放入 GC Root 节点,堆 heap 放入被检查的对象; GetUnreachableMemory:获取不可达的泄漏内存,C/C++内存模型结合可达性算法开始工作,去分析可能泄漏的 Heaps; ...
info.si_uid = from_kuid_munged(current_user_ns(), current_uid()); return kill_something_info(sig, &info, pid); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. glibc库文件源码查看 glibc版本查看 方法一:ldd --version 方法二:通过 libc.so 获取版本号 ...
pid 指定要查找的区块的 PID。返回值如果成功,则为内部区块列表中的位置。 否则为 NULL。备注CDocument::GetAdapter返回一个指针,指向实现 IDocument 接口的对象。复制 virtual ATL::IDocument* GetAdapter(); 返回值一个指针,指向实现 IDocument 接口的对象。
实现获取指定进程中特定模块的枚举以及得到该模块入口地址等信息。实现代码: HMODULE GetProcessModuleHandle(DWORD pid, CONST TCHAR* moduleName){ // 根据 PID 、模块名(需要写后缀,如:".dll"),获取模块入口地址。 MODUL...