c:geo is an open-source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for geocaching.com (unofficial). It also offers basic support for other geocaching platforms. It does not require a web browser or exports - just download and start right away....
cgeo.github.iocgeo.github.ioPublic Repository for hosting the FAQ and homepage of c:geo. This is **NOT** the right place to report bugs against the app. HTML1723 WhereYouGo-websiteWhereYouGo-websitePublic Repository for hosting the FAQ and homepage of WhereYouGo. This is **NOT** the...
cgeo-wkb cgeo-wkt cgeo-cpak 支持的数据类型如下(嵌套表示继承): Geometry Point Curve LineString CircularString CompoundCurve Surface Polygon CurvePolygon GeometryCollection MultiPoint MultiCurve MultiLineString MultiSurface MultiPolygon Usage Point
doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.87.5.1265 CrossRef Google Scholar [22] CRERAR D A,NAMSON J,CHYI M S,et al. Manganiferous cherts of the Franciscan Assemblage. I. General geology, ancient and modern analogues, and implications for hydrothermal convection at oceanic spreading centers[J]. Economic ...
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GEOS has the main components of a desktop one would expect, geoPaint and geoWrite, and also some tools and ultilies like geoBoot, configure, notepad, geoDex, calculator and drivers for input and output devices. GEOS works similiar to Windows, but it is not capable of multitasking, i.e...
His model consisted of a complex system of 27 interconnected, geo-concentric spheres, one for the fixed stars, four for each planet, and three each for the Sun and Moon. Callippus and later Aristotle modified the model. Aristotle’s endorsement of its basic principles guaranteed an enduring ...
DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2024.107436 38. Guo, Z., Tian, B., Zhu, Y. et al. How do the landslide and non-landslide sampling strategies impact landslide susceptibility assessment? — A catchment-scale case study from China. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 16(3):...