例 从键盘读入字符串存入文件,再从文件读回显示,fgets从fp所指文件读n-1个字符送入s指向的内存区, 并在最后加一个0 (若读入n-1个字符前遇换行符或文件尾(EOF)即结束,fputs把s指向的字符串写入fp指向的文件,include main() FILE *fp; char string81; if(fp=fopen(,w)=NULL) printf(cannt open file);...
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { FILE* fp = fopen("data.txt", "r+"); if (NULL == fp) { perror("fopen err"); return 1; } char a = 'a'; char str[30] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { fputc(a + i, fp); } fseek(fp, 3, ...
C语言的字符串是由字符数组形式保存的,并约定'\0'(ascii码值为0)作为字符串结束符。其长度为从字符串开始,到'\0'结束,所有字符的个数,不包括'\0'本身。要获得字符串长度,有两种方法可以使用,使用库函数strlen()。strlen声明在string.h中,原型为int strlen(char *str);功能为求str的长度...
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 100 #define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 50 #define MAX_VALUE_LENGTH 50 int main() { FILE* configFile; char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char key[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; char value[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH]; char* delimiter; int lineNumber = 0; //...
strlen是STRing LENgth的缩写,除此之外strlen只能用char*做参数,且必须是以''\0''结尾的 简单功能如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 char str[10]="china";printf("%d\n",strlen(str));//结果如下:5D:\VS\Project4\x64\Debug\Project4.exe(进程16032)已退出,代码为0。
cut-outn cut-price adj cut-to-length carbon cut-upbow cutancous chinese cutaneous cutaneous actinomycos cutaneous extravascul cutaneous larva migra cutaneous se ation cutanueous larva migr cute and naughty acti cute anime cartoon de cute crazy cute hate cute image cute kitties cute little man ...
control file system r control flow jump control froc control gatecontrol g control heater control injection control input quantit control is dead control local control lock control mass control of anchoring control of cell adhes control of convergenc control of expenses control of intersecti control ...
stringfread( int handle, int length )fread()从文件指针handle读取最多 length 个字节。 该函数在读取完 length 个字节数,或到达 EOF 的时候,或(对于网络流)当一个包可用时就会停止读取文件,视乎先碰到哪种情况。注意 在区分二进制文件和文本文件的系统上(如 Windows)打开文件时,fopen() 函数的 mode ...
/* create a file containing 10 bytes */ handle = open("DUMMY.FIL", O_CREAT); write(handle, buf, strlen(buf)); /* display the size of the file */ printf("file length in bytes: %ld\n", filelength(handle)); /* close the file */ close(handle); return 0; } ...