在 C++ 编程中,枚举类型(enumeration type)是一种用户定义的数据类型,它由一组命名的整数常量组成。这些常量通常被称为枚举子(enumerator)。枚举类型的引入简化了代码的可读性和维护性,使得程序员能够以更直观的方式处理特定范围内的值。本文将深入探讨 C++ 中的枚举类型,包括其基本概念、声明方式、使用场景以及...
Example: Enumeration Type #include<stdio.h>enumweek {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday};intmain(){// creating today variable of enum week typeenumweek today; today = Wednesday;printf("Day %d",today+1);return0; } ...
1 首先,请看下面的语句:enum enumType {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday};这句话有两个作用:第一:声明enumType为新的数据类型,称为枚举(enumeration);第二:声明Monday、Tuesday等为符号常量,通常称之为枚举量,其值默认分别为0-6。(后面会介绍怎样显式的初始化枚举量的...
enumBOOLEAN/* Declares an enumeration data type called BOOLEAN */{false,/* false = 0, true = 1 */true};enumBOOLEAN end_flag, match_flag;/* Two variables of type BOOLEAN */ 还可将此声明指定为 C复制 enumBOOLEAN {false,true} end_flag, match_flag; 或指定为 C复制 enumBOOLEAN {false,t...
枚举类型(Enumeration)是一种用于列出所有可能值的数据类型。在程序中,我们可以使用枚举类型来表示具有固定值的整型常量。 枚举的应用场景: 「代替常量」:枚举类型可以用来代替常量,从而使程序更易读。例如,我们可以定义一个表示星期几的枚举类型,用来代替用数字表示星期几的常量。
Virtual. IEnumMediaTypes Methods Description Clone Makes a copy of the enumerator with the same enumeration state. Next Retrieves a specified number of media types. Reset Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning. Skip Skips over a specified number of media types....
1.枚举类型 1.枚举数据类型是C语言中一种构造数据类型,可以让数据更加简洁,更易读,对于只有几个特定的数据,可以使用枚举类型 2.枚举对应英文enumeration,简写为enum 3.枚举是一组常量的集合,包含一组有限的特定的数据 4.枚举语法的定义格式为 enum 枚举名 {枚举元素} 1.1
Enumeration types are considered basic types. Type specifiers for enumeration types are discussed in Enumeration Declarations.The keyword void has three uses: to specify a function return type, to specify an argument-type list for a function that takes no arguments, and to specify a pointer to ...
Enumeration (or enum) in C - C enumeration (enum) is an enumerated data type that consists of a group of integral constants. Enums are useful when you want to assign user-defined names to integral constants. The enum keyword is used to define enums.
Enumeration types are considered basic types. Type specifiers for enumeration types are discussed inEnumeration Declarations. The keyword void has three uses: to specify a function return type, to specify an argument-type list for a function that takes no arguments, and to specify a pointer to an...