cascading windows cascode device cascoiodine casdd case udre return case base maintenance case casting case deformed case for named guardi case for support case hardening case inferior price o case inspection case maintenance case of finding prope case of perjury case of retrial insti case of roller...
cut strip cut tests cut the comb of cut the melon cut the ribbon at an cut trend cut your loss cut-and-d hot ried cut-and-dry cut-image range finde cut-in-date cut-inn cut-leafed groundcher cut-link cut-offdevice cut-offscores cutandtryprocess cutaneous amebiasis cutaneous horn of...
CMFCButton::OnDrawTextCalled by the framework to draw the button text.Copy virtual void OnDrawText( CDC* pDC, const CRect& rect, const CString& strText, UINT uiDTFlags, UINT uiState); ParameterspDC [in] A pointer to a device context.rect [in] A reference to a rectangle that bounds...
CMFCButton::OnDrawTextCalled by the framework to draw the button text.Copy virtual void OnDrawText( CDC* pDC, const CRect& rect, const CString& strText, UINT uiDTFlags, UINT uiState); ParameterspDC [in] A pointer to a device context.rect [in] A reference to a rectangle that bounds...
CMFCButton::OnDrawTextCalled by the framework to draw the button text.Copy virtual void OnDrawText( CDC* pDC, const CRect& rect, const CString& strText, UINT uiDTFlags, UINT uiState); ParameterspDC [in] A pointer to a device context.rect [in] A reference to a rectangle that bounds...
The Simplified Ribbon shows commonly used commands. However, with less available space for commands, not all of the buttons you're used to seeing fit on the Simplified Ribbon. If you don't see a button that you need on the Simplified Ribbon, you have these options...
a Structure of KS dimer, shown in ribbon representation. b Close-up view of the disconnected, double open-ended substrate tunnels. The atomic model of KS domain is shown here in mesh representation. Selected residues in (c-d) are shown as sticks. c Left, tunnel-intercepting aromatic residue...
virtual void OnDrawImage( CDC* pDC, CRect rectImage, CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pButton, int nImageIndex); Parameters pDC [in] Pointer to the device context of theCMFCRibbonButtonsGroupobject. rectImage [in] The rectangle within which to draw the image. ...
CMFCRibbonSeparator::GetRegularSize Returns the size of a separator. virtual CSize GetRegularSize(CDC* pDC); Parameters pDC [in] A pointer to a device content. Return Value The size of the separator on the given device context. CMFCRibbonSeparator::IsSeparator ...
To make the tension of a ribbon constant by providing the toothed hub engageable with a pawl to a capstan loaded with a ribbon feed spool and urging the pawl and an operation arm to an operative position by a tensile coil spring to cause the pawl and the projections provided on the arm...