#define PINT int* PINT x,y;在编译之前会被替换成:int* x,y;明显不是我们的本意。我们期望的是这样的:typedef in* PINT;PINT x,y;编译期间会被替换成:int* x;int* y;处理的是正确的。再比如:typedef ARRAY int[3];ARRAY array1,array2;编译阶段会被“替换”成:int array1[3];int array2[3...
[C\C++] - how put the window in center of screen and how avoid the user resize it? [C\C++] - key up and key down and key pressed [C\C++] - putting the window in center of screen [C++ 2010] How to create big array sizes? [HELP]How to call a function in another process [SO...
#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof((arr)) / sizeof((arr[0])))structPersonp_arr[10]={0};p...
At least two header changes in Visual Studio 2015 affect user code. First, <string> no longer includes <iterator>. Second, <tuple> now declares std::array without including all of <array>, which can break code through the following combination of code constructs: your code has a variable ...
print("v2: ", v2);// OK: back_insert_iterator is marked as checked in debug mode// (i.e. an overrun is impossible)vector<int> v3; transform(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(v3), [](intn) {returnn *3; }); print("v3: ", v3);// OK: array::iterator is checked in ...
File Header 文件头,描述整个文件的文件属性(包括文件是否可执行、是静态链接或动态连接及入口地址、目标硬件、目标操作系统等) .text section 代码段,执行语句编译成的机器代码 .data section 数据段,已初始化的全局变量和局部静态变量 .bss section BSS 段(Block Started by Symbol),未初始化的全局变量和局部静态...
宏定义 #define 和 const 常量宏定义 #defineconst 常量 宏定义,相当于字符替换 常量声明 预处理器处理 编译器处理 无类型安全检查 有类型安全检查 不分配内存 要分配内存 存储在代码段 存储在数据段 可通过 #undef 取消 不可取消static作用修饰普通变量,修改变量的存储区域和生命周期,使变量存储在静态区,在 main...
* Single line commentinmulti-line configuration (wrong) */ /* Single line comment (ok) */ 注释时使用12个缩进(12 * 4个空格)偏移量。如果语句大于12个缩进,将注释4-空格对齐(下面的例子)到下一个可用缩进 void my_func(void) { char a, b; ...
Looking at the code example above you will notice a few variables which are used to define specific aspects used when running the targets (such as the compiler command and flags used). To keep things modular the compilation of the ‘main’ and ‘vector’ source-code files has been split, ...
#define HEADER_FILE the entire header file file #endif 这种结构就是通常所说的包装器#ifndef。当再次引用头文件时,条件为假,因为 HEADER_FILE 已定义。此时,预处理器会跳过文件的整个内容,编译器会忽略它。 有条件引用 有时需要从多个不同的头文件中选择一个引用到程序中。例如,需要指定在不同的操作系统上...