database programming with cIntroduction ... .xviicarstenthomsen
For more information, see the article Overview: Database Programming.To use CDatabase, construct a CDatabase object and call its OpenEx member function. This opens a connection. When you then construct CRecordset objects for operating on the connected data source, pass the recordset constructor ...
锁管理器(Lock manager):锁管理器锁定正在执行事务的数据库对象,确保并发操作不会破坏物理数据的完整性。
database creation using c
CDatabase::ExecuteSQL() 大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 CDatabase::ExecuteSQL Call this member function whenyou need to execute a SQL command directly. 当你要直接执行SQL命令的时候就访问这个成员函数 void ExecuteSQL( LPCTSTR lpszSQL...
Initial commit of Oracle Database Programming Interface for C (ODPI-C). Jan 19, 2017 LICENSE.txt Preparing to release ODPI-C 5.2.0. Mar 9, 2024 Makefile Added support for columns of type VECTOR. Mar 9, 2024 Makefile.win32 Remove unneeded space and colon as requested (#184). ...
Qt数据库编程的重要性与应用领域(The Importance and Application Fields of Qt Database Programming) 在现代软件开发中,数据库的应用无处不在。许多应用程序都需要存储、查询和管理数据,而Qt作为一个跨平台的应用框架,为开发人员提供了一套简洁而强大的数据库编程接口。Qt数据库编程涉及许多不同的领域,包括桌面应用...
create component create database wizar create elite create explicit key r create explode views create game create goodwill create new folder per create new mdfa create new words by p create passion and be create perfect produc create presentations create support mechan create synonym create the desir...
CDatabase::GetConnect method is removed. To improve security, the connection string is now stored encrypted and is decrypted only as needed; it can't be returned as plain text. The string can be obtained by using the CDatabase::Dump method. Signature of CWnd::OnPowerBroadcast is changed....
CDatabase::GetConnect method is removed. To improve security, the connection string is now stored encrypted and is decrypted only as needed; it can't be returned as plain text. The string can be obtained by using the CDatabase::Dump method. Signature of CWnd::OnPowerBroadcast is changed....