database programming with cIntroduction ... .xviicarstenthomsen
锁管理器(Lock manager):锁管理器锁定正在执行事务的数据库对象,确保并发操作不会破坏物理数据的完整性。
database creation using c
Initial commit of Oracle Database Programming Interface for C (ODPI-C). Jan 19, 2017 LICENSE.txt Preparing to release ODPI-C 5.2.0. Mar 9, 2024 Makefile Added support for columns of type VECTOR. Mar 9, 2024 Makefile.win32 Remove unneeded space and colon as requested (#184). ...
CDatabase::ExecuteSQL() 大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 CDatabase::ExecuteSQL Call this member function whenyou need to execute a SQL command directly. 当你要直接执行SQL命令的时候就访问这个成员函数 void ExecuteSQL( LPCTSTR lpszSQL...
For more information, see the article Overview: Database Programming.To use CDatabase, construct a CDatabase object and call its OpenEx member function. This opens a connection. When you then construct CRecordset objects for operating on the connected data source, pass the recordset constructor ...
DATABASE DEVELOPMENT COURSES Android SQLite Programming for Beginners Build real world Android Apps with SQLite in Android Studio and Java. Brush-up your SQL knowledge 4.5 hours on-demand video Full lifetime access Certificate of completion
CDatabase::GetConnect method is removed. To improve security, the connection string is now stored encrypted and is decrypted only as needed; it can't be returned as plain text. The string can be obtained by using the CDatabase::Dump method. Signature of CWnd::OnPowerBroadcast is changed....
This C / C++ sample application demonstrates how to use the ODBC APIs to connect to and access a SQL database.