lang=zh_cn&marketing_plan=1713188665086x571207154760417300 美国C-Corp 公司注册指南(2024)详细介绍了怎么注册美国公司以及美国公司注册要求。首先,您需要确定公司的名称,并确保其在美国商标局未被注册。接着,提交公司成立章程(Articles of Incorporation)至所在州的政府机构。选择一个注册代理人,并提供其实际地址,这是...
1.公司名称:C公司的名称通常以“Inc.”或“Corp.”结尾,例如“ABC Inc.”或“XYZ Corp.”。而LLC的名称通常以“LLC”或“Limited Liability Company”结尾,例如“123 LLC”或“XYZ Limited Liability Company”。 2. 公司文件:C公司和LLC在成立时需要提交不同的公司文件。C公司需要提交一份称为“章程(Articles...
- 法定文件:需要提交公司章程(Articles of Incorporation),包括公司名称、经营范围、注册办事处地址、初始董事名单等内容。 - 股本:标准授权资本为50,000美元,分为每股1美元的普通股,无需实际缴纳。 三、注册流程 - 准备文件:起草公司章程及其他必要文件。这些文件通常需要包括公司名称、经营范围、注册办事处地址、初始...
C-Corporations (C-Corps) pay taxes on the income of the business and then the shareholders pay taxes on the dividends received. Many refer to this as “double taxation”.To form a C-Corporation the Articles of Incorporation must be filed. The Articles of Incorporation require basic information...
C corp vs. LLC: What's the difference? C corps and LLCsshare the same basic similarities as C corps and S corps: they both offer limited liability to owners and members, establish the business as its own legal entity and must be formed by filing articles of incorporation or organisational...
Forming a C corp begins withselecting a business name. It's important that the name distinguishes the corporation from other entities registered in the state of incorporation. Most states will also have stipulations surrounding the inclusion of specific designations within the name, such as "corporat...
2. File articles of incorporation:Submit these with the secretary of state in the state where you plan to incorporate. 3. Appoint a registered agent:This person or entity will receive legal papers on behalf of the corporation. 4. Create corporate bylaws:These outline the rules of the corporati...
No deduction of corporate losses. Unlike an s corporation (s corp), shareholders can't deduct losses on their personal tax returns. C Corporation vs. S Corporation Both c and s corps offer limited liability protection. Both require Articles of Incorporation to be filed. And both comprise shareh...
Both an S corp and a C corp must file articles of incorporation, hold annual meetings, file reports, and pay taxes as part of their legal obligations. Differences between S corporations and C corporations Important differences between C and S corporations include their formation, taxation, ownershi...
However, there are some drawbacks. Filing the articles of incorporation for a C corp can be more expensive than other business structures, and incur greater legal fees. They are also subject to greater regulatory scrutiny, which can increase the company's legal expenses. There are also tax cons...