{void* ret =dst;#ifdefined (_M_IA64){ __declspec(dllimport)voidRtlCopyMemory(void*,constvoid*, size_t count ); RtlCopyMemory( dst, src, count ); }#else/* defined (_M_IA64) *//** copy from lower addresses to higher addresses*/while (count--) { *(char *)dst = *(char *)s...
{void* ret =dst;#ifdefined (_M_IA64){ __declspec(dllimport)voidRtlCopyMemory(void*,constvoid*, size_t count ); RtlCopyMemory( dst, src, count ); }#else/* defined (_M_IA64) *//** copy from lower addresses to higher addresses*/while (count--) { *(char *)dst = *(char *)s...
5 ZeroMemory(&mysqlInfo,sizeof(MYSQLINFO)); 6 CopyMemory(mysqlInfo.host,"localhost",_tcslen("localhost")); 7 CopyMemory(mysqlInfo.user,"root",_tcslen("root")); 8 CopyMemory(mysqlInfo.passwd,"123456",_tcslen("123456")); 9 mysqlInfo.port =3306; 10 if (!mYSQL->connect(mysqlInfo)) 11...
让我们来看看我们存储到数字介质中的单精度/双精度值到底是怎么样的,我们使用如下代码对单精度类型进行一个解剖: PublicDeclareSubCopyMemory Lib “kernel32” Alias “RtlMoveMemory” (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Public Sub floatTest() Dim dblVar As Single dblVar = 5.731...
Microsoft的库中还有在相应平台上导致同类问题的其他函数(这些函数包括wcscpy()、_tcscpy()、_mbscpy()、wcscat()、_tcscat()、_mbscat()和CopyMemory())。注意,如果使用Microsoft的MultiByteToWideChar()函数,还存在一个常见的危险错误 ―― 该函数需要一个最大尺寸作为字符数目,但是程序员经常将该尺寸以字节计(更普...
8、(server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE) host = gethostbyname(szServerip); if (host = NULL) printf(Unable to resolve server: %sn, szServerip); return 1; CopyMemory(&server.sin_addr, host-h_addr_list0, host-h_length); if (connect(sClient, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(...
notification->BytesToScan = (ULONG)bytesRead; // // Copy only as much as the buffer can hold // RtlCopyMemory(¬ification->Contents, buffer, min(notification->BytesToScan, SCANNER_READ_BUFFER_SIZE)); replyLength = sizeof(SCANNER_REPLY); status = FltSendMessage(ScannerData.Filter, &Scann...
(FALSE == bRet) break; // 将读取到的数据追加到内存 RtlCopyMemory((pDownloadData + dwOffset), pBuf, dwBytesReturn); dwOffset = dwOffset + dwBytesReturn; } while (dwDownloadDataSize > dwOffset); // 保存变量中的数据为文件 FtpSaveToFile(SavePath, pDownloadData, dwDownloadDataSize); // ...
将数据段映射到寄存器对应的存储空间cpp view plaincopyMEMORY 25、; . PAGE1: SCI_A : origin = 0x007050,length = 0x00010; SCI_B : origin = 0x007750,length = 0x00010; . & 26、#160; SECTIONS . SciaRegsFile :> SCI_A, PAGE = 1; ScibRegsFile :> SCI_B, PAGE = 1; . 通过以上...
void test(char *pbData, unsigned int cbData) { char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; CopyMemory(buf, pbData, min(cbData,BUFFER_SIZE)); } CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser, CreateProcessWithLogonW Security Remarks The first parameter,lpApplicationName, can be NULL, in which case the executable name must...