Why we use + 55 for converting decimal to hex num . in this code we use +48 to convert integer to character . when temp < 10 . But when temp > =10 we use +55 . what does it mean by +55 ? #include<stdio.h>intmain(){longintdecimalNumber,remainder,quotient;inti=1,j,temp;char...
can sum1 pls help me out in writing a c code to convert decimalnumber to hexadecimal number.The hexadecimal number generated has to be an unsigned long. If your number is already in a numeric variable, just use sprintf or printf or fprintf to convert to hexadecimal representation. The rele...
将 * 转换为 * hex很简单,只需使用一个数组:
printf("Enter a Hex number:"); scanf("%s", Hex); Integer = strtol(Hex, NULL, 16); printf("Convert to decimal:%ld\n", Integer); } 拓展:一个例子,将浮点型数据转换为指定格式的字符串。 char ch[10] = {0}; sprintf(ch,"%5.2f", num_float);...
The hex value is 5 Enter a decimal value (0 to 15): 31 31 is an invalid input *4.11(Decimal to hex) Write a program that prompts the user to enter decimal digits and displays its corresponding hex value. Here are some sample runs: ...
convert_1(dec1, bin); cout<<"\n\nEnter two numbers like this\n""Ex1: Dec -> Bin enter __ 2\n""Ex2: Dec -> Hex enter __ 16\n""Ex3: Dec -> Oct enter __ 8\n";intdec2, ano2; cin>> dec2 >>ano2; convert_2(dec2, ano2); ...
I am trying to use strtol to convert a hex value into a decimal. It has been verified as a valid hex value before in the program, and now I am trying to convert it, but it keeps printing "0" for most values. int convert_hexadecimal_address(char *hexadecimal) { printf("The character...
sprintf(&data,"十进制12的十六进制是%X",12);sprintf(&data,"十六进制0X12的十进制是%d",0X12); 拓展学习: 1、C 库函数 - sprintf() 2、进制转换工具:https://tool.lu/hexconvert/ 3、C语言:十六进制(HEX)和浮点类型(float、double)转换