饥荒联机这个游戏的服务器列表一向是玄学,有时候并不是搜不到,而是搜不全,而且搜索慢,不过搜不到也很正常,不用过于惊慌。搜不到,我们可以用直连代码嘛! 直连代码结构很简单,例如c_connect("",10999,"123"),这是一个标准格式,c_connect(ip, port, password)其中的三个参数便是ip地址,端口,服务...
c_connect("IP",端口)登录进去以后就开始输入直连命令,输入方法按~键(1旁边的那个键)开启控制台后再输入指令直连命令一般是:输入好后:c_connect("",11011) 送TA礼物 1楼2023-02-20 12:07回复 帽子狗 铄石流金 12 个人电脑不一定有公网入口地址,还得看你的路由器怎么处理的。出入口 ip ...
用的鸽子鸽和樱花,同伴用的联机代码是c_connect("", 12611, "1234")就是进不来,通过浏览游戏进来的话会很卡 查看更多内容 今天天気好天気 5小时前 点赞0 用c_connect("", 30129, "1234")连,12611是你世界的端口,不是frp的端口,看你的日志30129才是frp端口 TA的8条回...
18回复贴,共1页 <返回饥荒联机吧c_connect("") 只看楼主收藏回复 黄浦江江江江 雪虐风饕 11 c_connect("") 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-01-02 11:11回复 黄浦江江江江 雪虐风饕 11 👀 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-01-02 11:11 回复 ...
《饥荒》五人饱荒之旅完结撒花 开档日期:2023年11月15日晚上完档日期:2023年12月2日晚上 游玩天数:16天游戏内天数:800天游玩时长: @污妖桶的高寒c (麦斯威尔)约100小时 @天桑无雅 (薇格弗德)约85小时 @ 沐邪(旺达)约73小时 @超宇宙第一橘子酒 (温蒂)约62小时 @ 吖(沃姆伍德)约53小时 -Boss图鉴中...
We design places, brands and services to deliver outstanding experiences. We used to think of experiences being driven by the built environment alone, but now, people and brands connect across many channels at once. To make the experience work in the real world, all channels must work together...
CRTKL:CANucopia饥荒救助计划 CRTKL: CANucopia to End Hunger CRTKL共筹集善款4,090美元 CRTKL raised $4,090 共捐赠3,258罐、2,058磅罐头食品 Donated: 3,258 Cans, 2,058 lbs of food 街边简易餐馆 - 适合任何季节的开放空间套件 / Sidewalk Pod-An Open Space Kit of Parts for Any Season ...
We design places, brands and services to deliver outstanding experiences. We used to think of experiences being driven by the built environment alone, but now, people and brands connect across many channels at once. To make the experience work in the real world, all channels must work together...
We design places, brands and services to deliver outstanding experiences. We used to think of experiences being driven by the built environment alone, but now, people and brands connect across many channels at once. To make the experience work in the real world, all channels must work together...
We design places, brands and services to deliver outstanding experiences. We used to think of experiences being driven by the built environment alone, but now, people and brands connect across many channels at once. To make ...