such asCommand Postand Radmin, please join ourDiscordserver for more details. Please be aware that online play is not immune to crashes, desync and
Commander Survival Kit: Research (short C.S.K.: Research) is an upcoming Sim Mod, which introduce an advanced Research System for each Faction. The Player will have access to several different Research Trees to Research and Unlock Techlevels, Units and other Features in the Game. ...
credential program credentialed credibility for the c credibility to this credible business mod credir expa ion credit - worthiness credit boycott credit card denominat credit card expires credit check function credit control and ac credit days credit equivalent amo credit expansion credit for the credi...
cab cellulose aceto b cab inn city commodor cab loudspeaker cab signal box cabaltii chloride anh cabaltous nitrate cabaneros national pa cabassous unicinctu cabbage heart with mu cabbage n caber cabg coronary artery cabgcoronary artery b cabin air temperature cabin aircraft cabin furnishings cabin ...
AIFaceModParas CharacterData GeneratedParas Java Package Summary com.huawei.hisi.cgkit Overview Interface Summary Renderer Class Summary CGkitActivity CGSurfaceView CGJniExports 图形引擎服务 说明 Android Package Summary Overview Enum Valu...
class CommandBuffer 命令缓冲类,用于命令缓存区的有关操作。 Public Constructor Summary Constructor Name CommandBuffer() 构造函数。 Public Destructor Summary Destructor Name virtual ~CommandBuffer() 析构函数。 Public Method Summary Qualifier and Type Method Name and Description virtual void SetPipelineBarrier...
The Exec Mode is the initial entry point into the command line interface system. Exec mode commands are useful in troubleshooting and basic system monitoring. Mode This section includes the commandsaaa testthroughcrypto-group. Exec The following prompt is displayed in the E...
By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all Explore Learning Pathways White papers, Ebooks,...
CMoveData:SetImpulseCommand SetMaxSpeed(numbermaxSpeed ) CMoveData:SetMoveAngles(Angledir ) Sets the serverside move angles, making the movement keys act as if player was facing that direction. This function is predicted, and should be called shared with matching data on client and server. ...
cmd = bin_mod().run_cmd def start(self):'正在对设备:%s 进行软件安装操作' % self.phonename) command = self.adb + ' -s %s install -r %s' % (self.phoneid, self.apk) if self.cmd(command)[1] == 'Success':'设备:%s 软件安装 成功(包名:%s)' %...