Coding For Fun coding! 高厉害 · 14 篇内容 订阅专栏【总结】2021 干了点什么 这一年做了什么 写了个有人在用的库 2021 年年初,因为没找到好用的 mirai js sdk,打算自己封装,于是开了个叫 Mirai-js 的仓库。 截止到现在,star 数量达到了 120,有两个人在给我 pr,这是我今年最开心的事情。 2020 年...
A fun, interactive way for children to take their first step on the journey towards programming in an easy to use, natural language environment - LV/C-Is-For-Coding
cours de philosophie cours de polilique co course and speed erro course coding sheet course corrected for course correction course design for rin course in general lin course made good course management sys course overview audit course registration course steering compu course taught course vertical ...
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C/C++ Coding Exercise - Nim Game If the number of stones divided by four has remainder, then all you have to do is to take the remainder (maximum 3 stones). Whoever removes the next stone(s) loses.
The coding industry for Chinese children is worth up to 4 billion yuan ($558 million) and that is forecast to increase about tenfold in the next five years, according to market research and consulting
For example, I don't want to update my CMakeList.txt when I am adding a new folder in my src tree, that works exactly like all other src folders. This is how I imagine my project's structure, but please this is only an example. If the recommended way differs, please tell me, ...
One of the most obvious places where the low-level runtime interactions are hidden is in key-value coding (KVC). The KVC mechanism allows you to hide how a property is accessed. When you send a -valueForKey: message to a class, it may be reading the value directly from an instance...
0x01 ~ For Candidates: About the "Piscine" If you're going through hell, keep going.―Winston Churchill The piscine is the entrance exam that consists of4 weeks fully dedicated to coding, solving exercises and submitting solo and group projects to peer review. ...
The extra overhead may be a problem if you are coding for speed, but doing this trick (while trying not to think about all the extra work and copying the code is doing) gives you a simple way to pass things around without ever using a pointer. You could even do this: ...