In this guide I shall try to show how a little intelligence can be applied to the complex question of code readability. What I present is not a simple-minded list of ‘thou shalt nots’; it is more a set of ideas for the construction and setting out of a program. The ideas are base...
Code Comments Rule 3.3 Place code comments above or to the right of the code. Rule 3.4 Add a space between the comment character and the comment content, and one space between the comment and code if the comment is placed to the right of the code. Comments placed above code should be i...
Objective-C 代码规范(Code Style) 我们写出来的代码会给很多人看,为了使代码清晰简洁,方便阅读理解,都会统一遵从一定的代码规范,Objective-C同样如此。 主要参考规范: 1.Google Objective-C Style Guide 2.Coding Guidelines forCocoa 简单总结一下目前接触到的: 1.每行代码最大长度为100(C++的是80) 2.声明类或...
Code Folders and filesLatest commit ZexiFangkong Update 2bfc477· History2 Commits Update Repository files navigation READMEObjective-C-Coding-Style-Guide [TOC]前言代码规范可以说是老生常谈的话题了, 也是程序员的自我修养, 虽然一套好的代码规范不能使程序运行的更...
We always use functions, not macros or top level code. Exception: "script-local helper macros". It is sometimes helpful to define a small macro. This should be done sparingly, and functions should be preferred. Exception:vcpkg.cmake'sfind_package. ...
We would need to make the style guide even longer to document these restrictions! Decision: On their face, the benefits of using exceptions outweigh the costs, especially in new projects. However, for existing code, the introduction of exceptions has implications on all dependent code. If ...
1 现存不一致代 码(Ex ist ing Non-conformant Code) 40 9. 2 Wi ndows 代工马(Wi ndows Code) 40 10. 结束语 (Par ing Words) 41 3 二匕% C + + 是很多谷歌开源项 目的主开发语言。正如每一个C++程序员所知 C++拥有很多强 大的特性 但与此同时带也来了很大的复杂性 这就导致C++代码极易出现...
Google C++ Style Guide,[中文版],简称 GSG,谷歌的 C++ 编程规范,在国内有较大影响力,是企业级规范,对代码的具体样式有细致的规定,可直接采用。 由于历史原因,GSG 较为保守,通过抑制语言特性以达到规避风险的目的。在早期尚未形成所谓“现代”编程思想的时候,此规范就已经面世并发挥作用了,其中的某些观点可能与官...
create company create consolidated p create food create more business create object code create permanent reco create point light create raving fans create seamless tile create sepuence create sex thinking create side or extran create snapshot log create testable ab la create the ability to create ...