取模运算,又称求余运算或者模除运算。它的作用是其运算符为%,形式为a%b,其中a和b都是整数。计算规则为,计算a除以b,得到的余数就是取模的结果。如100%17 ,100 = 17*5+15。是100%17 = 15。2÷3 = 0 ?? 2。即2 = 3*0+2。于是 2%3=2。这里有一个规律,如果b>a>0,那么a%...
cd folder change director转到 code filename 生成一个文件或打开一个已有文件 mv move rename cd 回到默认文件夹 .hello 找到hello文件 cd .. parent directory $mkdir pset1 //新建pset1文件夹 $mkdir pset2 $ls hello* hello.c pset1/ pset2/ //绿色星号表示可执行 $ $cd pset1 //转到pset1 pset1...
const常量 宏常量(Macro Constant) 宏定义 const 常量 取地址运算符(&): 算术运算 C语言运算符 除法(Division): 求余(Modulus)——也称为a对b取模 运算的优先级
inta=5;intb=20; When you want to print an int variable, we use'%d'and give thevariable name. Below is the code (remember that \n is the newline character) 当您想要打印一个int类型的变量时,我们使用%d并给出变量名称。下面是代码(记住,\n是换行符) printf ("%d\n",a); printf("Value ...
* is even or odd using the modulus operator (%) */#include<stdio.h>intmain(){// This variable is to store the input numberintnum;printf("Enter an integer: ");scanf("%d",&num);// Modulus (%) returns remainderif( num%2==0)printf("%d is an even number", num);elseprintf("%d...
提示prompt混合表达式mixed-mode expression 运行时错误run-time error助记符mnemonic 右值rvalue模块module 符号常数symbolic constant取模运算符modulus operator 语法错误syntax error优先级 preccedence 跟踪tracing变量variable 类型转换type conversions (注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。可复制、编制,期待你...
code 高级语言 high-level language 源程序 source program 输入/输出单元 I/O unit 语法 syntax 调用 invocation 系统软件 system software 循环结构 iteration 测试 testing 解释型语言 interpreted language 二进制补码 two’s complement 解释程序 interpreter 低级语言 low-level language 抽象 abstraction 累加 ...
comma-free-code comma-shifting mania commaless genetic cod command conquer - sou command conquer reneg command conquer gener command data acquisit command and conquer g command anti yuan command boat two command driven format command headlines command linecommand l command relationship command relationship...