SPECIFICATIONS UNIT CW6163CCW6263C CW6173CCW6273C CW6183CCW6283C CW6193CCW6293C Swing over bed mm 630 730 830 930 Swing in gap mm 800 900 1000 1100 Swing over cross slide mm 350 450 550 650 Distance between centers mm 750,1000,1500,2000,3000,4500,6000 Gap length mm...
SPECIFICATIONS UNIT CW6163C CW6263C CW6173C CW6273C CW6183C CW6283C CW6293C CW6293C Swing over bed mm 630 730 830 930 Swing in gap mm 800 900 1000 1100 Swing over cross slide mm 350 450 550 650 Distance between centers mm 750,1000,1500,2000,3000,4500,6000 Gap...
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid, ascorbate, VC), an important natural antioxidant, has a controversial history in cancer treatment. In the 1970s, Pauling and Cameron performed clinical trials showing efficacy of intravenous ascorbate in prolonging the survival of patients with terminal cancer.5,6,7Howev...
238600 33.8610 E9224_ E.2B.20E82EV371 ESMD371L4TXAXX1G23E82EV371_2BE82EV371K2C200E82EV751_2BE84AVSCE1522SXOEVF8202-E -V901EVF8217-CE84AVHCE75125X0I55AE155B1001BADOMEVF8214-E9220MP.5A.59324MP.1B.629324MP.1B.65.V0119325MP.1B.737814.1 127814.2 12638 E.3F / 1.7122.0424638 E....
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The tumor suppressor BRCA2 participates in DNA double-strand break repair by RAD51-dependent homologous recombination and protects stressed DNA replication forks from nucleolytic attack. We demonstrate that the C-terminal Recombinase Binding (CTRB) regio