在需要跳出的外层循环之前,给外层循环添加一个标签,例如: outer_loop: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (condition) { break outer_loop; } } } 复制代码 在内层循环中使用break语句时,加上外层循环的标签即可实现跳出外层循环的功能。 注意:使用带有...
在上述代码中,我们在外层循环前使用了一个标签`outer_loop`,并在内层循环的break语句中指定了这个标签。这样,当内层循环的break语句执行时,它会跳出外层循环,从而提前结束所有的循环。 总结来说,C语言中循环嵌套的break语句可以用于提前结束当前所在的循环,并跳出外层循环。如果需要跳出多层循环,可以使用标签来标记外层...
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int a = 100; int b = 200; switch(a){ case 100: printf("This is part of outer switch.\n"); switch(b){ case 200: printf("This is part of inner switch.\n"); break; } break; } printf("Exact value of a is: %d.\n", a); prin...
closed kinetic chain closed lie subgroup closed loop continuit closed loop swashplat closed metric ball closed plain chock closed question closed reduction disl closed reduction frac closed rhinolalia closed shop system closed spray chamber closed term closed thermostat closed to traffic no closed trans...
Dear you, this is the Learning Yard. Today, Xiaobian brings you C language (V): for, break, continue.1for语句和循环嵌套(1)循环的基本结构初始化计数器、循环条件、更新计数器(1) The basic structure of the loop initializes counters, loop conditions, and updates counters(2)for语句for(表达...
cooling blanket cooling blood detoxif cooling cover cooling ducts cooling loop cooling losses cooling mode cooling of concrete cooling system cleani cooling tower circle cooling vessel cooling water monitor cooling water systems coolingcolumn coolingcondenser coolingdeformation coolinghole cooling sodium cool...
C++编译器必须跟踪同一范围内的所有 for-loop,以便在启用 /Zc:forScope时发出警告 C4258: C++ inti;voidfoo(){for(inti =0; i <10; ++i) {if(i ==5)break; }if(i ==5)...// C4258: this 'i' comes from an outer scope, not the for-loop} ...
C++编译器必须跟踪同一范围内的所有 for-loop,以便在启用 /Zc:forScope时发出警告 C4258: C++ inti;voidfoo(){for(inti =0; i <10; ++i) {if(i ==5)break; }if(i ==5)...// C4258: this 'i' comes from an outer scope, not the for-loop} ...
C++编译器必须跟踪同一范围内的所有 for-loop,以便在启用 /Zc:forScope时发出警告 C4258: C++ inti;voidfoo(){for(inti =0; i <10; ++i) {if(i ==5)break; }if(i ==5)...// C4258: this 'i' comes from an outer scope, not the for-loop} ...
5.1IntroductionofLoop ●LoopStructure:Whentherearelargeamountsofdata,itis veryconvenienttohavecontrolmechanismsthatrepeatedlyexecutespecificstatements。●Foreward 【ex.5.1】Inputtheradiusandthehigh,computethevolumeofcolumn。#definePI3.1415926;main(){floatradius,high,vol;printf("radius,high=");question:...