packagecom.example.a001_ndk_get_version;;importandroid.os.Bundle;importandroid.widget.TextView;publicclassMainActivityextendsAppCompatActivity{@OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activit...
有以前做好的虚拟机,wireshark开发环境都是好的。这回,给虚拟机分配32GB内存,CPU只能分2x2. 开始做wireshark-arp分析插件。 ARP协议简单. 做的时候,要接管wireshark的内建的ARP分析(不要改wireshark源码,只由插件代码来接管), 这个实验了好久. 去围观和调试了wireshark的arp协议分析的实现, 抄代码挺爽的, ...
Option: 53 Enter hex bitmask of cores to execute testpmd app on Example: to execute app on cores 0 to 7, enter 0xff bitmask: 7 Launching app EAL: Detected 4 lcore(s) EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'PA' E...
BOOL CreateEx( int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, DWORD eCompression, const DWORD* pdwBitmasks = NULL, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw(); ParametersnWidth The width of the CImage bitmap, in pixels.nHeight The height of the CImage bitmap, in pixels. If nHeight is positive, the bitmap ...
BITMASK16 sync_bit; /* precessed synchronously or not */CARD16 serial_number;XEvent event; /* X event to be filtered */} IMForwardEventStruct;3.2. R5 Ximp IMProtocol //R5的Ximp之输入法协议3.2.1. XIMProtocol union data structure //XIMProtocol共用体数据结构In R5 Ximp IMProtocol model, ...
BOOL CreateEx( int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, DWORD eCompression, const DWORD* pdwBitmasks = NULL, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw(); ParametersnWidth The width of the CImage bitmap, in pixels.nHeight The height of the CImage bitmap, in pixels. If nHeight is positive, the bitmap ...
BOOL CreateEx( int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, DWORD eCompression, const DWORD* pdwBitmasks = NULL, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw(); ParametersnWidth The width of the CImage bitmap, in pixels.nHeight The height of the CImage bitmap, in pixels. If nHeight is positive, the bitmap ...
A bitmask, which can specify a combination of the values listed below. Some of these are mutually exclusive. The default value is none. CRecordset::none No options set. This parameter value is mutually exclusive with all other values. By default, the recordset can be updated with Edit or ...
A bitmask that identifies the operations through which bookmarks persist on a recordset object. For details, see Remarks.RemarksFor example, if you call CRecordset::GetBookmark and then call CRecordset::Requery, the bookmark obtained from GetBookmark may no longer be valid. You should call ...
CSL_BitMask16 flags; } CSL_EmifaParam; 所以总是传入NULL。 第四个参数是CSL_Status*,这个参数实际上是同时作为输入和输出参数的。 这个函数在时间运行时,首先检查status是不是NULL,如果是NULL的话,它就返回一个NULL给hEmifa ,所以我们一定要保证传入的值不是NULL,如果我们总是用CSL_emifaInit(NULL)返回的值...