CChartScrollBar(CChartAxis*pParentAxis);~CChartScrollBar();voidCreateScrollBar(constCRect&PlottingRect);voidOnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos);voidOnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos);voidRefresh();voidSetEnabled(boolbEnabled) { m_bEnabled =bEnabled; }boolGetEnabled()const{returnm_bEnabled; }voi...
首先我们要创建一个图表:添加BarChart.cpp和BarChart.h到您的项目。添加#include quot; BarChart.hquot;类的头文件的顶部,您要在其中添加图表。添加一个类型CBarChart membrt变量。在你的cpp文件,使用创建成员变量来创建一个图表控制的方法。 // Create a bar chart control if (!m_chart.Create( rcBound, ...
Control Chart templates. Excel templates for statistical process control. SPC control charts. c-chart, p-chart, u-chart. Statistical process control charts.
柱状图表 BarChartCtrl C 代码撕绪**un 上传66.48 KB 文件格式 rar C++ VC 代码 源码 漂亮的柱状图表 一个简单的VC对话框程序,实现动态创建柱状图表。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 something_usefull 2025-01-17 22:54:41 积分:1 practice2020 2025-01-17 22:54:09 积分:1 ...
在用VC做有关图表的时候,感觉不是那么方便,在codeproject找到一个柱形图的实用类,原文地址为:。它可以很快速的生成柱状图,并且支持输出位图、支持打印、支持从数据库导入。 原文章的类为多字节的,我自己改为了可适应多字节和Unicode版本的,如果有错的话,...
CMFCCaptionBar::GetButtonRectRetrieves the bounding rectangle of the button on the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::GetMarginReturns the distance between the edge of the caption bar elements and the edge of the caption bar control. CMFCCaptionBar::IsMessageBarModeSpecifies whether the caption bar is...
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Use a bar chart to illustrate comparisons over a period of time. When you need a bar chart in a presentation, use PowerPoint to create it, if the data is relatively simple and won’t need frequent updates (otherwise, seeCopy an Excel chartbelow in this summary). Here’s how: ...
Typically, you would add the caption bar to a frame window class. Call the CMFCCaptionBar::Create method to create the caption bar control and attach it to the CMFCCaptionBar object. Call CMFCCaptionBar::SetButton, CMFCCaptionBar::SetText, CMFCCaptionBar::SetIcon, and CMFCCaptionBar::...