The C_ASSERT macro is defined as follows.C++ Copy #define C_ASSERT(e) typedef char __C_ASSERT__[(e)?1:-1] The following examples demonstrate common types of compile-time assertions.C++ Copy C_ASSERT (BUFFER_CCH_SIZE <= MAX_PATH); C_ASSERT (ARRAYSIZE(array1) == ARRAYSIZE(array...
*** Attempt to divide by zero on line 9 of file FOO.c *** 通用的、用于错误检测的宏——assert宏; 7.注意 宏名和参数的括号间不能有空格; 宏替换只作替换,不做计算,不做表达式求解; 函数调用在编译后程序运行时进行,并且分配内存。宏替换在编译前进行,不分配内存; 函数只有一个返回值,利用宏则可以...
#include<cassert> Macros C++ #defineassert(E) Remarks assert(E)is only constant, if NDEBUG is defined whereassertis last defined or redefined, orEconverted to bool evaluates totrue. See also assert Macro, _assert, _wassert Header Files Reference ...
1、意思是:在 xxx 之前 应输入表达式。2、下面为C语言的错误大全及中文解释:1: Ambiguous operators need parentheses — 不明确的运算需要用括号括起 2: Ambiguous symbol xxx — 不明确的符号 3: Argument list syntax error — 参数表语法错误 4: Array bounds missing — 丢失数组界限符 5: ...
ASSERT( pObject1->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CPerson ) ) ); TheASSERTmacro produces no code in the Release version. If you need to evaluate the expression in the Release version, use theVERIFYmacro instead of ASSERT. MFC ASSERT_VALID and CObject::AssertValid ...
C 库宏void assert(int expression)允许诊断信息被写入到标准错误文件中,换句话说,它可用于在 C 程序中添加诊断。 assert()是 C 标准库中的一个宏,定义在<assert.h>头文件中。它用于在程序运行时检查某个表达式是否为真。如果该表达式为假,assert()宏会输出错误信息并终止程序的执行。
void assert(int expression);Macro used for internal error detection. (Ignored if NDEBUG is defined where <assert.h> is included.) If expression equals zero, message printed on stderr and abort called to terminate execution. Source filename and line number in message are from ...
Macro Vedi anche Include l'intestazione <della libreria C Standard assert.h> e aggiunge i nomi associati allo spazio dei std nomi. L'inclusione di questa intestazione garantisce che i nomi dichiarati usando un collegamento esterno nell'intestazione della libreria C Standard siano dichiarati...
assert()函数可以自动标准文件和出问题的行号 有一种无需更改代码就能开启或关闭assert()的机制,如果认为已经排除了程序的bug,只需将#define NDEBUG写在包含assert.h的位置前面。 _Static_assert(C11) C11新增了一个特性:_Static_assert声明,可以在编译时检查assert()表达式,因此assert()可以导致正在运行的程序中止,...