通过野外地质调查在选区内开展地质填图,获取区内岩性单元分布情况。模型试验将通过从已有地质图中直接提取选区内的岩性单元分布来代替野外实际填图工作。 通过距离反比权重法(IDW)对试验区3200个地球化学数据点进行空间插值,得到的栅格数据作为模型试验的预测数据。将初始选区的岩性填图结果与对应的地球化学数据进行标签化整...
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Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 2024, 22(4): 288-296. doi:10.1016/j.jesf.2024.04.002 5. Zhao, P., Chen, K., Zhu, G. et al. Effects of aquatic exercise intervention on executive function and brain-derived neurotrophic factor of children with autism spectrum disorder. Research...
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On the other hand, p-methoxybenzyl (PMB)-MG was either unreactive or formed undesired products under the reaction conditions. Tert-butoxycarbonyl (Boc)-protected MG provided the C11-boronate ester, but the subsequent functionalization reaction was inefficient (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). The ...
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