参考译文:MD-17:为参与民用后备航空队的美国航空公司提出的变体,[188]在1997年合并后更名为BC-17。[189] 5. 运用者 | Operators 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议。辽观搬运时遮挡了部分区域 图片题注:Map of countries that operate the C-17 Globemaster III (highlighted in blue)参考译文:运营 C-17 ...
波音C-17环球霸王III(英语:Boeing C-17 Globemaster III)是美国麦道公司(现为波音)为美国空军研制生产的战略军用运输机,同时具备战略战术空运能力于一身的短场起降军用运输机,除美国空军装备了C-17外,英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、卡塔尔、阿拉伯联合酋长国、科威特、印度和北约重型空运联队也有列装。在美国空军,于2021年已...
The C-17 fleet has a best-in-class combined dollar per flight hour and mission capable rate, performing at the highest level of readiness worldwide. Support Under the Globemaster III Sustainment Program contract, Boeing is fully responsible and accountable for total weapon system availability ...
Autotestcon 94 IEEE Systems Readiness Technology Conference Cost Effective Support Into the Next Century 20-22 Sep 1994 研究点推荐 C-17 intermediate level automatic test system aircraft maintenance C-17 Globemaster III Intermediate Level Avionics Maintenance System avionics maintenance 引用走势 2013 被...
I live beside a major international airport, and there is a military base right near me, air base Trenton, and C-17's and galaxy’s are always flying over! This reminds me so much of it +4 4.9 years ago 860 Iloveburlington I live beside a major international airport, and there ...
The C-17 Globemaster III is a long-range cargo/transport aircraft operated by the U.S. Air Force since 1993. To date, Congress has funded 190 C-17s for the Air Force. The C-17 program remains a key issue as Congress evaluates the needs of the Department of Defense's (DoD) strategic...
Cost effectivenessLong range(Distance)Airlift operationsAir force operationsThe C-17 Globemaster III is a long-range cargo/transport aircraft operated by the U.S. Air Force since 1993. Congress approved development of the aircraft in the late 197Os, when it was recognized that the Air Force ...
centred around the Falkland Islands. The aircraft had further public exposure in the summer of 2021 when international partners raced to evacuate their people from Kabul as the city, and Afghanistan, fell to the Taliban. Alongside RAF C-13...
[24] The Air Force had attempted to replace the C-130 in the 1970s through the Advanced Medium STOL Transport project, which resulted in the C-17 Globemaster III that instead replaced the C-141 Starlifter.[25] The Air Force Research Laboratory funded Lockheed and Boeing demonstrators for ...
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