The new Lockheed cargo plane had a range of 1,100 nmi (1,270 mi; 2,040 km) and it could operate from short and unprepared strips. 【参考译文】“大力神”运输机与费尔柴尔德C-123“供应者”运输机在外形上有些相似,都是四发动机型号,机翼和货舱坡道布局也相似。C-123运输机是由蔡司XCG-20“...
California, plant. Its four turboprop engines enabled the YC-130 to take off in only 800 feet. In addition to its tremendous lift capability, the aircraft also proved to be far more maneuverable than expected while meeting or exceeding all of the other U.S. Air Force performance requirements...
The C-130 features a loading ramp and door in the tail that can accomodate palletized loads, vehicles and troops. The aircraft can airdrop up to 42,000 pound loads or land on short, unimproved airstrips in forward combat zones. The C-130 can be rapidly reconfigured for the various types...
The UK’s association with the C-130 family dates to the 1960s when the proposed AW681 Short-Take-Off and Landing transport aircraft was cancelled on cost grounds in preference to the C-130K, an Anglicised version of the Lockheed a...
C- 130J’s 19 certified, diverse, multi-mission capabilities. These capabilities are either built as a production variant or can be provided through a roll-on/roll-off configuration, providing additional resources with a short turn around installation time. Learn more about our production variants...
cold light halogen la cold pilger cold pilg cold sheet mill cold cold short iron cold- cold strip mill cold- coleraines collapsible boat falt collapsible canoe fol collapsible tower cra collar velvet velours collecting lens colle collimater collimator colloidal battery col colloidal graphite de colloi...
calls to han advice calls you sust to say callup display callus very short calm baby calm central eye calm consideration ab calm steady calm-assertive calm-glassy sea calmed half month calming and soothing calming blood calming zone calmly calocybe leucocephala caloglossa leprieurii calogsm compu...
The Lockheed C-130 Hercules is a four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft designed and built originally by Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin). Capable of using short and unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings, the C-130 was originally designed
19 A Short Hike 01004890117B2000 871a5f971b929d4e, 9bee2f79a2ba9347 20 A.O.T 2 (Attack on Titan 2) 010034500641A000 586ea519c1cdfae7, 81cdd5aa269f3505 21 Aborigenus 0100EFC010398000 63fd61894f94112f 22 ACA NEOGEO 3 COUNT BOUT 0100FC000AFC600 9ea96e90474dea51 23 ACA NEOGEO 3 CO...
leptotene-stage spermatocytes from 0 to 500 kb range, suggesting that chromosome loops have formed along short stretches of axial elements (Fig.2aand Supplementary Figs.6and7). Thus, the switching of chromosome folding mode has occurred prior to or at the onset of the meiosis entry....