Corentin suggested that reflection use cases are best addressed by performing code injection rather than defining overloaded operators. Corentin agreed that reflection might want to differentiate names and identifiers in a similar manner to how Clang does internally. Dan advised caution regarding exposing ...
P2996R2: Reflection for C++26: Daveed presented: [ Editor's note: Daveed's presentation slides are avilable here. ] An overview of the proposed reflection syntax was provided. There are three functions that reflect the names of entities at present, but more might be added. There is only...
[p\k%%% Pflijj`eZ\i\cp Hl`ek`eBfdXifdp DXib\k`e^;`i\Zkfi$=Xie\cc 16kV) Colour Cool White Cool White Neutral White Warm White Amber Blue Royal Blue Green Red Red / Orange Viewing Angle 140° 140° 140° 140° 165° 165° 165° 165° 165° 165° Luminous Flux ...
int offset) { source += BUFFERSIZE - offset; memcpy(target, source, FFMIN(BLOCKSIZE, offset)*sizeof(*target)); if (offset < BLOCKSIZE) memcpy(target + offset, source, (BLOCKSIZE - offset)*sizeof(*target)); } /** * Evaluate the reflection coefficients from the filter c...
P2996R2: Reflection for C++26: Victor expressed strong opposition to only exposing identifiers in char8_t and asserted that we need to figure out the story for support of char. Dan interpreted Victor's response as meaning that the proposed facilities with only support for char8_t does not...
int offset) { source += BUFFERSIZE - offset; memcpy(target, source, FFMIN(BLOCKSIZE, offset)*sizeof(*target)); if (offset < BLOCKSIZE) memcpy(target + offset, source, (BLOCKSIZE - offset)*sizeof(*target)); } /** * Evaluate the reflection coefficients from the filter coef...
Unofficial FFmpeg with added custom native Visual Studio project build tools. FFmpeg: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. - FFmpeg/libavcodec/ra144.c at 18d7074b4e5a1112cfa6a53dde0faa25d2bd0b15 · wwwxxxwwww
aactab.c aactab.h aandcttab.c aandcttab.h aasc.c ac3.c ac3.h ac3_parser.c ac3_parser.h ac3dec.c ac3dec.h ac3dec_data.c ac3dec_data.h ac3dsp.c ac3dsp.h ac3enc.c ac3enc.h ac3enc_fixed.c ac3enc_float.c ac3enc_opts_template.c ac3enc_template.c ac3tab.c ac3t...