我们可以将HTTP服务器封装成一个HttpServer类,在构造HttpServer对象时传入一个端口号,之后就可以调用Loop让服务器运行起来了。服务器运行起来后要做的就是,先获取单例对象TcpServer中的监听套接字,然后不断从监听套接字中获取新连接,每当获取到一个新连接后就创建一个新线程为该连接提供服务。 代码如下: #define ...
When an ISAPI HTTP server receives a request from a client browser, aCHttpServerobject is created and initialized, and aCHttpServerContextobject is created. Only one instance ofCHttpServermay exist for each module; however, oneCHttpServerContextobject is created for each call to the server. AC...
CHttpServer does not have a base class.The class CHttpServer, with CHttpServerContext, provides a means to extend the functionality of an ISAPI-compliant HTTP server. The class CHttpServer wraps the Internet Server API (ISAPI) functionality and can process various types of client requests, inc...
[Y/N]y [HUAWEI-aaa] local-user admin123 service-type http //配置本地用户admin123的接入类型为HTTP [HUAWEI-aaa] quit 查看HTTPS服务器信息。 [HUAWEI] display http server HTTP Server Status : enabled HTTP Server Port : 80(80) HTTP Timeout Interval : 20 Current Online Users : 3 Maximum ...
[Y/N]y [HUAWEI-aaa] local-user admin123 service-type http //配置本地用户admin123的接入类型为HTTP [HUAWEI-aaa] quit 查看HTTPS服务器信息。 [HUAWEI] display http server HTTP Server Status : enabled HTTP Server Port : 80(80) HTTP Timeout Interval : 20 Current Online Users : 3 Maximum ...
转自:http://my.oschina.net/sharelinux/blog/120223 有时间研究下,学习socket编程。 //server#include <stdio.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<malloc.h>#include<pthread.h>#include<semaphore.h>#include<sys/types.h>#include<sys/socket.h>#include<sys/time.h>#...
The run-time calls this function when constructing aCHttpServerobject. Only one instance ofCHttpServermay exist for each module. Once aCHttpServerobject is created, it can be initialized withInitInstance. After the ISA has been initiated by a client command and acted upon by the server, the ...
1、micro_httpd - really small HTTP server 特点: 支持安全的 .. 上级目录过滤 支持通用的MIME类型 支持简单的目录 支持目录列表 支持使用 index.html 作为首页 Trailing-slash redirection 程序总共代码才200多行 这个httpd适合学习简单的Web Server编写学习,因为它只有一个简单的框架,只能够处理简单的静态页,可以考...
C/S 架构是一种典型的两层架构,其全程是Client/Server,即客户端服务器端架构,其客户端包含一个或多个在用户的电脑上运行的程序,而服务器端有两种,一种是数据库服务器端,客户端通过数据库连接访问服务器端的数据;另一种是Socket服务器端,服务器端的程序通过Socket与客户端的程序通信。
一个用python aysncio 编写的http server 例子 来源 asyncio recipes 源码 import asyncio from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict from json import dumps from urllib.parse import urljoin fromwsgiref.handlers import format_date_time from httptools import HttpRequestParser ...