减少冗余与不一致:小的模块可以直接在单个 cppm 文件中完成实体的导出、定义,但大的模块依然会把声明...
模塊接口文件: // src/module_test.cppmmodule;exportmodulemain;export{intmain(intargc,char*argv...
編譯為C++模組程序代碼 (/interface)- 將指定的原始程式檔編譯為C++模組程序代碼。 根據預設,具有.ixx或.cppm擴展名的檔案會編譯為模組程序代碼C++。 編譯為C++模組內部分割區 (/internalPartition)- 將指定的原始程式檔編譯為C++模組內部分割區。 編譯為C++標頭單位 (/exportHeader)- 將指定的原始程序檔編譯為C++...
is imposed to avoid large detection asymmetries that are present in the excluded kinematic regions. Differences between particles and antiparticles in reconstruction efficiencies are also observed for[Math Processing Error]Hc+candidates where[Math Processing Error]p<20GeV/cfor all charged tracks. These ...
This radon reduction system is based on the design of a radon emanation detector developed at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM) [15]. As an example, the use of this purge system reduces the count rate in the 609keV line by at least a factor of 40 (from 16.4 ...
cppm cp propeller cp prozessfaehigkeit cpr-valve c programming languag c programming practic cprv canister purge r cpsc cps camshaft position cps canister purge so cps central power sup cps control pressure cps crank position se cps crankshaft positi cps cycle per second cpt carpet cptcarriage pai...
cppmb cppvci cps central processin cps deficiency cps jr library bard c cpsha cpsu communist party cpt compatibility cptx comparator trans cpu assistance cpu clock skewcpu cpu double-team effec cpu fan tachometer- c cpu feature cpu modes cpu speed cpu cpu steal ability cpuf cpurstb cpvc chl...
set(DEPS ${DEPS} glog gflags_static libprotobuf xxhash cryptopp-static libyaml-cppmt shlwapi) else() if (WITH_STATIC_LIB) set(DEPS ${DEPS} ${PADDLE_DIR}/paddle/lib/libpaddle_inference${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) else() set(DEPS ${DEPS} ${PADDLE_DIR}/paddle/lib/libpaddle_inference...