myvector contains:1020304050</int></vector></iostream> std::vector::crbegin和std::vector::crend 这两个方法就不解释了,与上面的相比就是多了个’r’, reverse的缩写,反转迭代器,代码就省略了。 std::vector::emplace 之前已经对emplace_back进行了讨论,其实还有一个方法叫emplace。 我想说的就是,emplace...
1) Returns a possibly const-qualified iterator to the reverse-beginning of the container c. 2) Returns std::reverse_iterator<T*> to the reverse-beginning of the array array. 3) Returns a const-qualified iterator to the reverse-beginning of the c...
vector<int>ivec(ia, ia+sizeof(ia)/sizeof(int)); 17 18 //use reverse_iterator by for loop 19 for(vector<int>::reverse_iterator r_iter=ivec.rbegin(); r_iter!=ivec.rend();++r_iter) 20 cout<<*r_iter<<""; 21 22 cout<<endl; 23 24 //use ordinary iterator to print reversely...
reverse(first, last); // 全部逆向重排 return false; 下面程序演示了利用next_permutation来求取某个序列全排列的方法: 复制代码代码如下: int main() int ia = 1,2,3,4; vector<int> iv(ia,ia+sizeof(ia)/sizeof(int)); copy(iv.begin(),iv.end(),ostream_iterator<int>(cout," ")); cout ...
current intermittent current thermionic currentreverse leakag curriculum comprehens curriculum informatio curriculum integratio curriculum objectives curriculum schedule curry chicken cutlet curry chickn curschmannsspiral curse items curse of natural reso curse of the mummy curse ye the land of cursed by ma...
categoryofset category of tax category of taxes category of the law o category of vector sp categoryofvessel catelectrode catelectrotonus catenacatenationconca catenane catenariancatenary catenary aerial cable catenaryanchorlegmoor catenaryarch catenarychain catenarycontrol catenarycorrection catenarycurve catena...
[2820星][1m] [Py] androguard/androguard Reverse engineering, Malware and goodware analysis of Android applications ... and more (ninja !) [328星][5m] [Py] vector35/binaryninja-api Public API, examples, documentation and issues for Binary Ninja [280星][3m] [Py] pbiernat/ripr Package B...
How to watch each element in a vector when debugging how to work with font on C++ (.ttf) How to write a DCOM project using VC++ How to write a UTF8 Unicode file with Byte Order Marks in C/C++ How to write in a new line in a file in MFC? How to write into a csv file in ...
Defines the interface for an STL/CLR vector object. C# Copy public interface IVector<TValue> : ICloneable, Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic.IRandomAccessContainer<TValue>, System.Collections.ICollection Type Parameters TValue The type of an element in the controlled sequence. Implements IRandom...
public void rbegin (ref Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic.ReverseBidirectionalIterator<TValue> unnamedParam1); 参数 unnamedParam1 ReverseBidirectionalIterator<TValue> 一个反向迭代器,指定受控序列的最后一个元素,或刚好在空序列的开头之外。 因此,它指定反向序列的 beginning。 用于获取一个迭代器,该迭代...