3. 队列的实现方式 (Implementation of Queue) 3.1 使用数组实现 (Using Array) 3.1.1 静态数组 (Static Array) 3.1.2 动态数组 (Dynamic Array) 3.2 使用链表实现 (Using Linked List) 3.2.1 单链表 (Singly Linked List) 3.2.2 双链表 (Doubly Linked List) 4. 循环队列 (Circular Queue) 4.1 循环队列...
class CircularQueue {private:int *arr;int front, rear, size, capacity;public:CircularQueue(int cap) {capacity = cap;arr = new int[capacity];front = -1;rear = -1;size = 0;}// 入队 (Enqueue)void enqueue(int data) {if ((rear + 1) % capacity == front) {// 队列已满return;}if...
In the above implementation, to show that the queue is empty, bothrearandfrontindices are set to(-1). The execution starts from themain()function whereenqueue()function inserts a component to thequeue’srear by increasing therearindex while setting thequeuearray’s value at the newly createdr...
#import<Foundation/Foundation.h>NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN@interfaceQueueArray:NSObject-(instancetype)initWithSize:(NSInteger)size;-(void)enqueue:(NSObject*)e;-(NSObject*)dequeue;-(BOOL)isFull;-(BOOL)isEmpty;-(void)test;@endNS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #import"QueueArray.h"@interfaceQueueArray()@prope...
5.1 顺序结构的实现 (Array-based Implementation) 栈是一种后进先出(LIFO)的数据结构,它只允许在栈顶进行插入和删除操作。顺序结构的栈,通常使用数组来实现。这种实现方式的主要优势是访问速度快,因为数组的元素在内存中是连续存储的。但是,它的大小是固定的,这可能会导致空间浪费或溢出。 const int MAX_SIZE = ...
priority_queue vector + max-heap 插入、删除 O(log2n) 有序 可重复 vector容器+heap处理规则 set 红黑树 插入、删除、查找 O(log2n) 有序 不可重复 multiset 红黑树 插入、删除、查找 O(log2n) 有序 可重复 map 红黑树 插入、删除、查找 O(log2n) 有序 不可重复 multimap 红黑树 插入、删除...
This is implemented by a modified queue called the circular queue. Complexity Analysis The complexity of enqueue and dequeue operations in a queue using an array is O(1). If you use pop(N) in python code, then the complexity might be O(n) depending on the position of the item to be ...
/* Simple Queue Static Simple queue demonstration using static queue data array LIFO / FIFO implementations can be tested by changing IMPLEMENTATION This example code is in the public domain. created 15 November 2022 by SMFSW */ #include <cQueue.h> #define IMPLEMENTATION LIFO typedef struct str...
In Array implementation FRONT pointer initialized with 0 and REAR initialized with -1.Consider the implementation :- If there is 5 items in a QueueNote: In case of empty queue, front is one position ahead of rear : FRONT = REAR + 1;...
如上using 声明,对于基类的每个构造函数,编译器都生成一个与之对应(形参列表完全相同)的派生类构造函数。生成如下类型构造函数: derived(parms) : base(args) { } using 指示 using 指示 使得某个特定命名空间中所有名字都可见,这样我们就无需再为它们添加任何前缀限定符了。如: ...