CMake语法—调用顺序(calling sequence) 1 示例代码 2 代码结构 learn_cmake:为根目录 CMakeLists.txt:CMake主脚本 cmake_config.bat:执行CMake配置过程的脚本(双击直接运行) @echo off set currentDir
Both \\-escape sequences and ${variable} references are evaluated. The text does not end on an escaped double-quote like \".Itdoes end in an unescaped double quote.") 无引号形式 CMake支持参数不带任何引号,因为所有值都会转换成String。所有的参数会被封装成List。 List的分隔符为;,所以参数列表...
CMake的所有的语句都写在一个叫:CMakeLists.txt的文件中。当CMakeLists.txt文件确定后,可以用ccmake命令对相关 的变量值进行配置。这个命令必须指向CMakeLists.txt所在的目录。配置完成之后,应用cmake命令生成相应的makefile(在Unix like系统下)或者 project文件(指定用window下的相应编程工具编译时)。 其基本操作...
make linux下是make "args": [ ] }, { "label": "Build", #task任务名 和launch.json中的preLaunchTask对应 "dependsOrder": "sequence", #顺序执行task任务 "dependsOn":[ "cmake", "make" ] } ] } 发布者:全栈程序员栈长,转载请注明出处:原文链接:https://...
3) cmake 官网下载。 pcre2采用的版本 pcre2-10.34 ,直接从官网下载 2. 编译pcre2生成静态链接库 2.1 编译体系及工具链选择 命令行下运行cmake-gui,选择编译的源码和build目录,其中build目录为自己新建 D:\meson\test>cmake-gui 选择Configure,弹出 编译体系选项及工具链选择,此处使用ninja编译,本地默认的工具...
编译器错误 C3786 “std::make_integer_sequence”的第二个模板参数必须为大于或等于零的整数常量 编译器错误 C3787 无法推导此协同例程的返回类型 编译器错误 C3788 此函数不可为协同例程:“type_name”不是一个类 编译器错误 C3789 此函数不可为协同例程:“%$T”不声明成员“%$I()” ...
Additionally, please make suretime.time()provides sufficient precision on the tested platform. For instance, our experience is that the precision is adequate on our Ubuntu device, but insufficient on our Windows device. On the comparison Please note that different methods may use different configurati...
(void*,constchar*,int);/* separate buffer for long sequences of ungetc() */struct__sbuf_ub;/* ungetc buffer */struct__sFILEX*_extra;/* additions to FILE to not break ABI */int_ur;/* saved _r when _r is counting ungetc data *//* tricks to meet minimum requirements even when...