11 CMake link a shared library to static libraries 0 Library linking in C++/Qt distribution 0 Link with self-compiled static libraries with cmake 1 CMake linking libraries into one single library 0 CMake C++ include static system library to project - how to 0 How to avoid linking ...
#include <curl/curl.h> #include <openssl/sha.h>` So I went to the official websites of these two libraries and downloaded the sources, created two corresponding folders and places all the files there. In OpenSSL there was an h.in file - a config as I understand. I was able to get...
include_directories add_executable add_library target_link_libraries install \ target_sources add_custom_command add_custom_target \ add_subdirectory aux_source_directory \ set_property set_target_properties define_property) usage() { echo "Error: $0 needs to have an input parameter" echo "support...
add_library(shared_fun SHARED) target_sources(shared_fun PRIVATE shared_fun.cpp) # ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include是编译时和使用时都需要使用的头文件搜索路径,见下文 target_include_directories(shared_fun PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) CMake 还允许一些特殊的库,比如由.o 文件组成的 OBJECT 库...
指定对应版本 find_package(Boost 1.70 REQUIRED) # 查找 OpenCV 库并指定路径 find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED PATHS /path/to/opencv) # 使用查找到的库 target_link_libraries(MyExecutable Boost::Boost) # 设置包含目录和链接目录 include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_...
4、#include<file.h> 与 #include "file.h"的区别? 答:前者是从Standard Library标准库的路径寻找和引用file.h,而后者是从当前工作路径搜寻并引用file.h。 5、描述实时系统的基本特性 答:在特定时间内完成特定的任务,实时性与可靠性。 6、全局变量和局部变量在内存中是否有区别?如果有,是什么区别?
#include <iostream> #include "library.h" void hello() { std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; }so 共享库的使用(被可执行项目调用)使用CLion 调用共享库创建一个名为 TestSharedLib 的可执行项目CMakeLists.txtcmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(TestSharedLib) # C++11 编译 ...
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE library1 library2) # Copy the output dll files from library1 and library2 to current module's exe path. add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:${PROJECT_NAME}> $<TARGET...
(不是引用、也不是指针),也就是说在一般情况下CMake函数中对变量的修改不会影响到函数外的CMake变量value值,而CMake函数中的变量就是从parent scope中“查询”到并生成的副本;(2)、CMake中变量的目录作用域,也是类似于C/C++中的include文件依赖,也就是在子目录下的对变量的修改不会影响父目录中变量定义的...
The Linux version of these functions is based on the GNU libio library. Take a look at the info documentation of GNU libc (glibc-1.08) for a more concise description. BUGSAll functions are fully C89 conformant, but provide the additional specifiers q and a as well as an additional ...