TPoolIdsVec::const_iterator itActiveIdEnd = m_ActivePoolIds.end();for(; itActiveId != itActiveIdEnd; ++itActiveId) {constEntityId activeId = itActiveId->usingId; CEntity* pActiveEntity = pEntitySystem->GetEntityFromID(activeId);if(!pActiveEntity)continue; SReturnToPoolWeight returnToP...
targetGroupId = getString(newGroup.get(),"InstanceId");// move target instance in that group (becomes the leader)getEditor().getDMC().requestMoveNode(destGroup->getId(),"",-1, targetGroupId,"Components",-1); }// move newly created entity into target groupgetEditor().getDMC().requestI...
方法GetClassID检索 对象的 CLSID) (类标识符。 此方法实现IPersist::GetClassID方法。 语法 C++ HRESULTGetClassID( CLSID *pClsID ); 参数 pClsID 指向接收值CLSID_SystemClock变量的指针。 返回值 返回S_OK或E_POINTER。 要求 反馈 此页面是否有帮助?
Call theGetDefIDmember function to get the ID of the default pushbutton control for a dialog box. DWORD GetDefID( ) const; Return Value A 32-bit value (DWORD). If the default pushbutton has an ID value, the high-order word containsDC_HASDEFIDand the low-order word contains the ID...
在上面的代码中,我们首先使用open()函数打开/dev/sda设备文件,并且指定只读模式。然后通过ioctl()函数和HDIO_GET_IDENTITY命令获取硬盘的ID信息,将序列号信息存储在id.serial_no字段中。最后,将序列号信息打印输出。 需要注意的是,上面的代码只是一个简单的获取硬盘序列号的示例,实际上获取硬盘序列号可能会因为硬盘型...
print("A",os.getpid(),os.getppid()) else: print("B",os.getpid(),os.getppid()) # os.getpid()获取当前进程 os.getppid()获取父进程id
新文件的用户ID设置为进程的有效用户ID。新文件的组ID可以是:1.进程的有效组ID。2.它所在目录的组ID。 access(pathname, mode)按实际用户ID,和实际组ID进行访问权限测试。只有root能chown. umask(S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH);设置进程的文件模式创建屏蔽字 creat("bar", S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR...
# sysname PE1 # ip vpn-instance vpn1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:1 vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity # mpls lsr-id mpls # mpls ldp # # aaa authentication-scheme default authorization-scheme default accounting-scheme default domain default do...
can i get another ame can i hitch a ride wi can i pay with money can jia quan can kao ci can kao jia zhi can kao xin can kiss away the pai can kiss me can not be happy to l can not find file nam can not hold a candle can not on can not say goodbye can pan can pressuriz...
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