int main() { struct timespec currentTime; getCurrentTime(¤tTime); // 将纳秒级别的时间转换为毫秒 long long milliseconds = currentTime.tv_sec * 1000LL + currentTime.tv_nsec / 1000000LL; printf("Current Time in milliseconds: %lld\n", milliseconds); return 0; } ``` 在这个例子中,`...
printf("Current time in milliseconds: %ld\n", milliseconds); return 0; } ``` 在这个例子中,我们首先定义了一个timeval结构体变量tv,然后调用gettimeofday()函数来获取当前时间并存储在tv中。接着,我们通过tv中的秒数和微秒数计算出当前时间的毫秒数,并通过printf函数输出。 除了gettimeofday()函数,还有一些其...
time( <ime ); printf( "Time in seconds since UTC 1/1/70:\t%ld\n", ltime ); printf( "UNIX time and date:\t\t\t%s", ctime( <ime ) ); /* Display UTC. */ gmt = gmtime( <ime ); printf( "Coordinated universal time:\t\t%s", asctime( gmt ) ); /* Convert to time stru...
DateTime in milliseconds - [{}]", new DateTime().getMillis()); 上面的代码输出的内容是: 15:01:51.331 [main] DEBUG c.i.s.c.t.utilities.CodecUtilsTest...- Current DateTime in milliseconds - [1603998111331] 获得当前日期时间的毫秒数,这个毫秒数是从 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z 开始计算的...197...
C++11下计算时间差(毫秒)要用到chrono时间库,以下是示例代码,我从en.cppreference.com上抄来改的...::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration diff = end-start; // 计算毫秒时间差并输出...// 如果要求其他时间单位可以修改 std::chrono::milliseconds 为其他类型 // 比如std::chrono::se...
importjava.util.Calendar;importjava.util.Date;publicclassGetCurrentTimeInSeconds{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// 获取当前时间DatecurrentDate=newDate();// 将时间转为秒Calendarcalendar=Calendar.getInstance();calendar.setTime(currentDate);longmilliseconds=calendar.getTimeInMillis();longseconds=millisec...
CDockingManager::m_nTimeOutBeforeDockingBarDock Specifies the time, in milliseconds, before a docking pane is docked in immediate docking mode. CDockingManager::m_nTimeOutBeforeToolBarDock Specifies the time, in milliseconds, before a toolbar is docked to the main frame window.Remarks...
Time in milliseconds, for the debugger to wait for the debugServer to start up. Default is 10000. pipeTransport For information about attaching to a remote process, such as debugging a process in a Docker container, see thePipe transportsettings article. ...
get_AvgSyncOffset Retrieves the average of the time in milliseconds between when each frame was due and when it was actually rendered. This applies to all frames since streaming started. get_DevSyncOffset Retrieves the standard deviation of the time in milliseconds between when each frame was ...