std::gamma_distribution满足随机数分布(RandomNumberDistribution)。 模板形参 RealType-生成器所生成的结果类型。若它不是float、double或longdouble之一则效果未定义。 成员类型 成员类型定义 result_typeRealType param_type参数集的类型,见随机数分布(RandomNumberDistribution)。
geometric_distribution<IntT>g(p);//每次试验成功概率为p,默认0.5 negative_binomial_distribution<IntT>nb(k, p);//k次试验成功概率为p。k默认1,p默认0.5 泊松分布 poisson_distribution<IntT>p(x);//均值为double值x exponential_distribution<RealT> e<lam);//指数分布,lambda浮点值,默认1.0 gamma_distribu...
boost::gamma_distribution<> > generator(rng, pdf);构造随机数生成器和伽马分布,并将它们粘合在...
J站:Joint distribution联合分布:对于两个随机变量X,Y,他们联合分布的累积概率函数等于F_{X,Y}(x,y...
title(main = "Gamma distributions") legend(par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4],xjust = 1, c("k=1 (Exponential distribution)", "k=2","k=3","k=4","k=5"), lwd = c(2,2,2,2,2), lty = c(1,2,3,4,5), col = c(par("fg"),"red","green","blue","orange")) ...
形状参数theta=2.0# 尺度参数x=np.linspace(0,20,100)# 计算伽马分布的密度函数pdf=gamma.pdf(x,k,scale=theta)# 绘制图形plt.plot(x,pdf,color='blue',label=f'Gamma(k={k}, θ={theta})')plt.title('Gamma Distribution PDF')plt.xlabel('x')plt.ylabel('Density')plt.legend()plt.grid()plt....
Betais a parameter to the distribution. If beta = 1, GAMMADIST returns the standard gamma distribution. Cumulativeis a logical value that determines the form of the function. If cumulative is TRUE, GAMMADIST returns the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it returns the probability mass ...
chance distribution chanceerror probablee chancehalves correlat chancelloruniversity chancemedley chance move chance quantity chancesample chance variable chan chin bock chandlerwobble changan university change agent changeday changefactor changefully changegearwheel changeoflap change of metrics change of the ...
If beta = 1, GAMMAINV returns the standard gamma distribution. Remarks If any argument is nonnumeric, GAMMAINV returns the #VALUE! error value. If probability < 0 or probability > 1, GAMMAINV returns the #NUM! error value. If alpha ≤ 0 or if beta ≤ 0, GAMMAINV returns the #NUM!
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