For more information on UTF-8 support, please see setlocale in Visual Studio C runtime library reference. Contributing We love to receive contributions from you. See the CONTRIBUTING file for details. Copying Dirent may be freely distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details...
Fork of the Judy C library for dynamic array originally imported from the SF project with patches applied for build and bug fixes. - netdata/libjudy
Twilio C#/.NET Helper Library for .NET6+. Contribute to twilio/twilio-csharp development by creating an account on GitHub.
create library create partition create personal learn create polyg create process termin create program create resplendence t create section views create service notifi create signature and create table create the primary qu create the testscene create them create tra form curve create work ath createte...
Robotics Library (RL): 一个独立的C++库,包括机器人动力学,运动规划和控制。 RobWork:一组C++库的集合,用于机器人系统的仿真和控制。 ROS :机器人操作系统,提供了一些库和工具帮助软件开发人员创建机器人应用程序。 科学计算 FFTW :用一维或者多维计算DFT的C语言库。 GSL:GNU科学库。 脚本 ChaiScript :用于C++...
Apache C++ Standard Library:是一系列算法,容器,迭代器和其他基本组件的集合 ASL:Adobe源代码库提供了同行的评审和可移植的C++源代码库。 Boost :大量通用C++库的集合。 BDE :来自于彭博资讯实验室的开发环境。 Cinder:提供专业品质创造性编码的开源开发社区。 Cxxomfort:轻量级的,只包含头文件的库,将C++ 11的一...
connector modular connectorfixed connectors in2 x 14 j conner paused conneting rod fork connor mumbled connors war conntercurrent multip conocimiento de embar conocophillips compan conotrachelus nenupha conquer east and west conquering mount olym conquestn conractual conrad ii of germany conrad of ...
一款超轻量级的C日志库,无需依赖额外的库,库的设计目标为"简洁,可移植性强"。 库已实际应用到多个实际项目中,测试或移植过的系统有Android,Ubuntu,Centos,Windows,openwrt以及部分嵌入式设备。 2.如何使用 参考mslog_api_sample程序; 关于编译与安装,可参见make help; ...
Klib is a standalone and lightweight C library distributed underMIT/X11 license. Most components are independent of external libraries, except the standard C library, and independent of each other. To use a component of this library, you only need to copy a couple of files to your source co...