template<class U, class T> // 范围上 int → const int, 类型变小, T→T& 针对T类型, 范围都变小了, 实际上来将, 不存在参数范围上的偏特化 void tfunc(const U &a, T &b) { cout<< "通过重载, 增加const来实现偏特化 " << a << " " << b << endl; } template<class T> // 范...
pDocTemplate->GetDocString(strExt, CDocTemplate::filterExt)) { AfxThrowUserException(); // These doc template strings will // be available if you created the application using AppWizard // and specified the file extension as an option for // the document class produced by AppWizard. } str...
To create and display a modal dialog box, create an instance of this class, providing the name of an existing resource template for the dialog box. The dialog box object closes when the user clicks any control with a pre-defined value (such as IDOK or IDCANCEL)....
struct S1 { void f(int); void f(int, int); }; struct S2 { template <class C, void (C::*Function)(int) const> void f() {} }; void f() { S2 s2; s2.f<S1, &S1::f>(); } The current compiler correctly gives an error, because the template parameter type doesn't match...
pDocTemplate->GetDocString(strExt, CDocTemplate::filterExt)) { AfxThrowUserException(); // These doc template strings will // be available if you created the application using AppWizard // and specified the file extension as an option for // the document class produced by AppWizard. } str...
void primitiveMethodB2(AbstractClass *template) { printf("Specific logic for primitiveMethodB2 operation...\n"); } // 具体模板类A的方法实现 void createConcreteClassA(ConcreteClassA *classA) { if (!classA) return; classA->base.templateMethod = templateMethodImplementation; ...
MicroWebSrv2 - The last micro web server for IoTs (MicroPython) or large servers (CPython), that supports WebSocket, routes, template engine and with really optimized architecture (mem allocations, async I/Os). tinyweb - Simple and lightweight HTTP async server for MicroPython. upy-websocket...
CSingleDocTemplate class CSingleLock class CSinusoidalTransitionFromRange class CSinusoidalTransitionFromVelocity class CSliderCtrl class CSmartDockingInfo class CSmoothStopTransition class CSocket class CSocketFile class CSpinButtonCtrl class CSplitButton class CSplitterWnd class CSplitterWndEx class CStatic class CSt...
CSingleDocTemplate class CSingleLock class CSinusoidalTransitionFromRange class CSinusoidalTransitionFromVelocity class CSliderCtrl class CSmartDockingInfo class CSmoothStopTransition class CSocket class CSocketFile class CSpinButtonCtrl class CSplitButton class CSplitterWnd class CSplitterWndEx class CStatic class CSt...