Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is X Server version: X.X.X ... mysql> your_database_name; mysql> your_database_name; 三、创建和选择数据库 1. 创建一个新数据库 在MySQL命令行界面中,使用以下命令创建一个新的数据库: CREATE DATABASE dat...
3.将mysql.dll拷贝到自己工程编译的应用程序同级目录下 接下来就是Code: Source Code 本地运行结果: MySql_Test_CPP\bin\Debug>MySql_Test_CPP.exe localhost root ***Connect to Database Server: localhost User: root Password:***connect succeed!number of result:5CID CName CTypeID CContent CUnitPrice1...
I'm trying to connect my MySQL database using C++ connector. I've done the next so far: 1.Installed the connector 2. Created a new project 3. Configured it as Active(Release) 4. In properties, under C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories, I've added the connector's "in...
if (con != NULL && mysql_real_connect(con, dbip, dbuser, dbpasswd, dbname, 3306, NULL, 0)) cout << "数据库链接成功!"; else cout << "数据库链接失败!"; cout << "\n"; //system("pause"); //press any key to exit //system用来调用系统命令,类似于shell; ...
import mysql.connector # 配置数据库连接参数 config = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 3306, 'database': 'your_database', 'user': 'your_username', 'password': 'your_password' } try: # 建立连接 connection = mysql.connector.connect(**config) if connection.is_connected(): print("Connec...
printf( "Error connecting to database:%s\n",mysql_error(&mysql)); return false; } else { printf("Connected...\n"); return true; } } //释放资源 void FreeConnect() { //释放资源 mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(&mysql);
int (*connect)(struct Database *); void (*disconnect)(struct Database *); int (*query)(struct Database *, const char *); } Database; 2、实现连接方法:实现连接数据库的方法,这个方法使用MySQL的API来建立连接。 int connectDatabase(Database *db) { ...
char*database="student";//数据库名 char*query="select*fromclass";//需要查询的语句 intt,r;conn=mysql_init(NULL);if(!mysql_real_connect(conn,server,user,password,database,0,NULL,0)){ printf("Errorconnectingtodatabase:%s\n",mysql_error(conn));}else{ printf("Connected...\n"...
Password = "password"; const char *pDbName = "typecodes"; //database name of my typecho blog. const unsigned int iDbPort = 3306; /* print the last error message. */ void finish_with_error(const char *msg) { if( msg ) printf("Error message%s: %s.\n", msg, mysql_error(pMysql...