this.comboBox1.Items.Add(item); // 选中默认 comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1; // 获取选中项 ComboBoxItem comboBoxItem = (ComboBoxItem)comboBox1.SelectedItem; // 显示值 MessageBox.Show("显示值:"+ comboBoxItem.Text.ToString()); // 实际值 MessageBox.Show("实际值:"+ comboBoxItem.Value.ToStr...
Sets the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a combo box. int SetItemData( int nIndex, DWORD_PTR dwItemData ); 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameters nIndex Contains a zero-based index to the item to set. dwItemData Contains the new value to associate with the item. 这样我们在比如...
private void comboBoxEdit_UI1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dictionary<string, string> tmpDic = WinformUIHelper.GetComboxInfoOfSelected(comboBoxEdit_UI1); if (tmpDic != null && tmpDic.Count > 0) { string info = $"当前选择的内容: 键:{tmpDic.ElementAt(0).Key} 值:{...
}privatevoidcomboBox1_DropDown(objectsender, EventArgs e) { List<IPEndPoint> list =this.tcpServerEngine.GetClientList();this.comboBox1.DataSource =list; }privatevoidbutton2_Click(objectsender, EventArgs e) {try{ IPEndPoint client= (IPEndPoint)this.comboBox1.SelectedItem;if(client ==null) { M...
int InsertItem( const COMBOBOXEXITEM* pCBItem );来添加行,其中COMBOBOXEXITEM定义如下: typedef struct {UINT mask;int iItem;LPTSTR pszText;int cchTextMax;int iImage;int iSelectedImage;int iOverlay;int iIndent;LPARAM lParam;} COMBOBOXEXITEM, *PCOMBOBOXEXITEM; ...
用ComboBoxCellEditor编辑EditingSupport 、、、 如果用户选择一个ComboBoxCellEditor项,我希望使" "可编辑。我尝试使用两个CellEditor,一个是TextCellEditor,一个是ComboBoxCellEditor。如果用户选择" "项,则CellEditor将切换到TextCellEditor。但不起作用。因为comboIndex有一个ArrayOutOfBoundException。有人能帮我修改...
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::AddItem 將專案加入下拉式方塊清單的結尾。 CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::AddSortedItem 將專案加入下拉式方塊清單中。 清單中的項目順序是由 Compare指定。 CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::Compare 比較兩個專案。 呼叫 以排序新增至下拉式方塊清單的專案 AddSortedItems。 CMFCToolBarComboBox...
C# combobox.SelectedItem returns System.Data.DataRowView. C# compiler console output on compile bothering me C# compiling error: 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found (are y...
private void skinComboBoxFontName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lrcForm != null) { this.lrcForm.ChangeLabelFont(this.skinComboBoxFontName.SelectedItem.ToString(), this.skinComboBoxFontSize.SelectedItem.ToString()); ...
Returns the index of the currently selected item in the list box of a combo box button that has a specified command ID.複製 static int GetCurSelAll( UINT uiCmd ); Parameters[in] uiCmd The command ID of a combo box button.Return ValueThe index of the currently selected item in the ...