/home/stian/LocalProjects/build/VideoProcessingFramework/PyNvCodec/TC/src/Tasks.cpp: At global scope: /home/stian/LocalProjects/build/VideoProcessingFramework/PyNvCodec/TC/src/Tasks.cpp:892:3: error: ‘NppStreamContext’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘AVFormatContext’? NppStreamContext ...
(that is, the first character must be an underscore or an uppercase or lowercase letter). ANSI allows six significant characters in an external identifier's name and 31 for names of internal (within a function) identifiers. External identifiers (ones declared at global scope or declared with ...
c-rp ipv6-address [ advertisement-interval adv-interval | [ group-policy basic-acl6-number | scope scope-id ] | holdtime hold-interval | priority priority ] * undo c-rp ipv6-address [ scope scope-id ] Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue ipv6-address Specifies the global IPv6 unicast addr...
[10*sizeof f]// 'f' refers to the first parameter, which is in scope);enum{n=3};int(*(*g)(int n))[n];// the scope of the function parameter 'n'// ends at the end of its function declarator// in the array declarator, global n is in scope// (this declares a pointer to...
chain sampling plan chains certificate chain scope chain seaming chain sewing chain shackle chain sheave chain size chain slip chain slipping arrang chain spanner chain splice chain sprocke chain sprocket chains proved chain stay chain stay bridge chainstay protectoers chain steel chain sto er chain ...
control revolution control risk control scope control scum formatio control slot control spaces control statement control statementfile control system ce control system for tw control system theory control temperature r control the increase control the outcome control theorists bas control tier control toys...
c-rp ipv6-address [ advertisement-interval adv-interval | [ group-policy basic-acl6-number | scope scope-id ] | holdtime hold-interval | priority priority ] * undo c-rp ipv6-address [ scope scope-id ] Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue ipv6-address Specifies the global IPv6 unicast addr...
Our Support forum where 20,000+ users (including Pico staff) discuss all things PicoScope. Contact information for direct sales and support queries, plus our network of global distributors. Library Get to know the people behind our brand with the latest updates from our team. ...
Using Conditioner on the global scope: // mount modules! conditioner.hydrate( document.documentElement ); Using Conditioner async with ES modules: import('conditioner-core/conditioner-core.esm.js').then(conditioner => { conditioner.addPlugin({ // converts module aliases to paths moduleSetName...
If set to on, enumerators are put in global scope and not in file scope. Set before debugging information is processed (~/.dbxrc). Default: off. scope_look_aside on | off If set to on, finds file static symbols, in scopes other than the current scope. Default: on. session_log...