5.C轮融资(C round) Businesses that raise a Series C funding are already quite successful. These companies look for additional funding in order to help them develop new products, expand into new markets, or even to acquire other companies. In Series C rounds, investors inject capital into the...
特赞C轮累计融资1亿美元 官网启用英文域名tezign.com 继去年8月获得红杉中国领投的C1轮融资后,内容科技公司特赞Tezign再次宣布完成C2轮融资。截止目前,C轮累计融资1亿美元。 说起特赞,很多人可能并不了解,又或者惊叹这品牌名称真赞!特赞成立于2015年,致力于用科技赋能商业和社会想象力,为全球品牌提供内容体验的生产...