random(time(NULL));write("乱数初期化OK¥n");write(N=%d, m0=%d, m=%d¥n",N,m0,m);begin for i:=0 to N-1 do edge_number=0 begin for j:=m0 to N-1 do var p=(double)(output_degree[j]+1)/(double)sum(output_degree, i)write("p(%d)=%lf¥n",j,p)if p>(...
Delphi与C语言类型转换对照 When converting C function prototypes to Pascal equivalent declarations, it's important to substitute the C function and argument types with the correct Pascal types. I often use a Type Translation Table for this, like the following in table 1 (optional parts on the C...
Delphi, C Delphi Delphi中的时间类型TDateTime实质是个64位double双精度浮点数,占8个字节,其值为以1899-12-30 00:00:00为基准的时间,整数部分表示天数,小数部分表示时间,1/86400表示1秒(24*60*60) C C语言中时间类型time_t实质是个32位long长整形数,占4个字节,其值为以1970-1-1 00:00:00为基准的秒...
StrPas = Converts null-terminated string to an AnsiString (long string). function StrPas(const Str: PAnsiChar): AnsiString; overload; 新版Delphi有两种重载: function StrPas(const Str: PAnsiChar): AnsiString; function StrPas(const Str: PWideChar): UnicodeString; 所以也可以是把指针转换为UnicodeStri...
编写CRC校验程序有两种办法:一种为计算法,一种为查表法。下面是查表法的C语言实现: 校验码算法程序实现样例(C语言): // Test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" static unsigned char auchCRCHi[]={ ...
这是从海康威视设备网络SDK(V6.1.9.48_build20230410)的C语言头文件HCNetSDK.h全部转换而来的Delphi版本接口声明(HCNetSDK.pas),使用本人自己开发的一个专用转换程序转换而来,可供使用Delphi开发海康威视设备的相关应用。本人仅在Window平台中用Delphi 10.3.3部分测试和部分使用过这个HCNetSDK.pas,并没有进行过详细的测试...
Delphi VS C语言类型转换对照 Delphi VS C语言类型转换对照 When converting C function prototypes to Pascal equivalent declarations, it's important to substitute the C function and argument types with the correct Pascal types. I often use a Type Translation Table for this, like the following in ...
Delphi与C语言类型转换对照 When converting C function prototypes to Pascal equivalent declarations, it's important to substitute the C function and argument types with the correct Pascal types. I often use a Type Translation Table for this, like the following in table 1 (optional parts on the C...
Delphi VS C语言类型转换对照 Delphi VS C语言类型转换对照 When converting C function prototypes to Pascal equivalent declarations, it's important to substitute the C function and argument types with the correct Pascal types. I often use a Type Translation Table for this, like the following in ...