传递函数离散化c语言 #include <stdlib.h> //定义离散化函数 void discretization(float data[], int len, int num_buckets) { float max = data[0], min = data[0]; //找到数据的最大值和最小值 for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {...
2、首先使用matlab的c2d函数对G(s)进行离散化得到脉冲传递函数G(z)。 3、然后根据脉冲传递函数G(z)写出差分方程u(k) 4、根据差分方程u(k)在单片机上编写代码实现传递函数 5、在STM32F303VC芯片上进行实验,实现了传递函数,运行结果和simulink仿真结果一致。
传递函数离散化c语言传递函数离散化 Discretizing a function in the C programming language can be a useful technique in various scenarios. Discretization refers to the process of converting a continuous function into a discrete form, where the function's values are calculated only at specific points ...