C言語では、if、for、whileなどの直後の式などを括弧で囲まなくてはいけない。 Pythonでは、括弧で囲う必要なし。C言語 if (data == 123) { printf("OK\n"); } Python if data == 123: print("OK") 文C言語Python if if-elseelseの処理にif文を続けて書ける本当なら { } で囲ってイン...
if (tpenqueue("TMQUEUE", "STRING", (TPQCTL *)&qctl, (char *)reqstr, 0,0) == -1) { Error checking} TMQUEUE(5)リファレンス・ページの例では、サーバーを作成して構成ファイルで指定する際に、サービスの別名を指定する方法が示されています。「サンプル・アプリケーション...
-Check that withdraw amount (amt) is positive and tpreturn() with failure if not; -Set transaction consistency level to read/write; -Retrieve ACCOUNT record to get account balance; -Check that amount of withdrawal does not exceed ACCOUNT balance; -Retrieve TELLER record to get teller's bala...
-Check that withdraw amount (amt) is positive and tpreturn() with failure if not; -Set transaction consistency level to read/write; -Retrieve ACCOUNT record to get account balance; -Check that amount of withdrawal does not exceed ACCOUNT balance; -Retrieve TELLER record to get teller's bala...
-Check that withdraw amount (amt) is positive and tpreturn() with failure if not; -Set transaction consistency level to read/write; -Retrieve ACCOUNT record to get account balance; -Check that amount of withdrawal does not exceed ACCOUNT balance; -Retrieve TELLER record to get teller's bala...
If (branch_ID specified) { Allocate buffer for service requests with tpalloc(); Place branch_ID into the aud structure; Do tpcall() to "ABAL_BID" or "TBAL_BID"; Print balance for branch_ID; Free buffer with tpfree(); } else /* branch_ID が指定されていない場合*/ call subroutine...