\n"); subscriber_init(); while(is_running()) { //標準入力により情報を ... printf("OK, notify to subscriber!\n"); publisher_publish(PUBLISH_ID, type, &msg_defail); } subscriber_exit(); publisher_free(); } subscriber側。subscriber_initでsubscribe, スレッド作成します。
split.c int main(void) { char **res; int i = 0; - res = ft_split_by_space("hello world from 42 tokyo"); + res = ft_split_by_space(strdup("hello world from 42 tokyo")); while (res[i]) { printf("[%s]\n", res[i]); i++; } return (0); } ...
#include<stdbool.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<sys/xattr.h>#include<unistd.h>#defineXATTR_SIZE 10000#defineerrExit(msg) \ do { \ perror(msg); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } while (0)staticvoidusageError(char*progName){fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-x] ...
measure = default; do { measure = SensorMeasurement.TakeMeasurement(Name, Intruders); Average.AddMeasurement(measure); Debounce.AddMeasurement(measure); } while (MeasurementHandler(measure)); } スターター メソッドでは、SensorMeasurement のローカル変数は "Null 許容参照型" です...
But while Haru worried about her lonely future, one of her regular customers assured her that she wasn’t destined to walk this life alone. Predicting she would meet not one, but three different men, Haru scoffed at the idea of having so many men in her life. At least until the day,...
#define_GNU_SOURCE#include<sched.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<sys/wait.h>#include<unistd.h>#defineerrExit(msg) \ do { \ perror(msg); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } while (0)intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){cpu_set_t set;intparentCPU,childCPU,wstatus;longnloops;if(arg...
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配列のインデックス番号が必要なときはenumerate関数を使う while 条件が成立している間繰り返す C言語と同じbreak とcontinue も同じ do-while 最初に1回無条件に実行 なし switch-case 場合分け なし辞書を使って場合分けできる del なし 変数を削除できる ライブラリ取り込み #include import...