#include <algorithm> std::vector<Foo>::iterator it = std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), ...
vector<int> a(100, 0); //这里声明的是一已经个存放了100个0的整数vector 2.向量操作 常用函数: size_t size(); // 返回vector的大小,即包含的元素个数 void pop_back(); // 删除vector末尾的元素,vector大小相应减一 void push_back(); //用于在vector的末尾添加元素 T back(); // 返回vector末...
vector只能容纳同一种类型的数据,tuple可以容纳任意类型的数据; vector和variant比较: 二者都可以容纳不同类型的数据,但是variant的类型个数是固定的,而tuple的类型个数不是固定的,是变长的,更为强大。
std::vector push_back memory corruption? stdafx not found stdafx.h(15) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory STDMETHODIMP Stop timer at any time and start it - MFC C++ string to wstring String validation. strstream how to remove trailing ze...
{return i; // 找到给定值}}return -1; // 在块中没有找到给定值}int main() {std::vector<int> arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};int value = 6;int index = blockSearch(arr, value);if (index != -1) {std::cout << "Element found at index " << index << std::...
DistVector createDistVector(ptrToAdjList_DAG adj_list, int targetV):构建距离表,O(|V|) DistVector findMinPath_unweighted_1(ptrToAdjList_DAG adj_list, int targetV):最短路径算法(uW-DAG)版本1,O(|V|^2) DistVector findMinPath_unweighted_2(ptrToAdjList_DAG adj_list, int targetV):最短路径...
costumed costumedesignby costvector costerage variable costtotal cot continuity signal cot gendongan tibiras cot-death cotagaita cotant rate cote dlboire cote de blancs cote ivoire cote o ivoire coted ivoire cotes de bourg cotes du rhone -les l cothurnus tragedy cotomeaster b ehrhart cotone sm...
call startexe call supervision mess call this function call vector call your mother on t call your mother on t call-loan center call-not-accepted sig call-out response tim call-upcapital callhold a meeting callring sb up callable bondpricing callablebond callant callaoperu callas maria callaway...
libxmi - Function library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics. GPL-3.0-or-later lightmapper - Single-file library for lightmap baking, using an existing OpenGL renderer. Public domain. little CMS - A Color Management System. It provides fast transforms between ICC profiles. MIT mozjpeg - Improved...
vector 数组 随机读改、尾部插入、尾部删除 O(1)头部插入、头部删除 O(n) 无序 可重复 支持随机访问 deque 双端队列 头尾插入、头尾删除 O(1) 无序 可重复 一个中央控制器 + 多个缓冲区,支持首尾快速增删,支持随机访问 forward_list 单向链表 插入、删除 O(1) 无序 可重复 不支持随机访问 list 双向链表...