CVector force =0.0;//This vector will be used to accumulate the individual repellant//forces between this entity and each of its peersfor(inte=0; e<peers.size(); e++) {if(peers[e] ==this)continue;//if this entity is in his own peers list, ignore itCVector pos1 = GetPos();//p...
voidcVector::CrossProduct (cVector vector1, cVector vector2) { Set (vector1.y () * vector2.z () - vector1.z () * vector2.y (),// =xvector1.z () * vector2.x() - vector1.x() * vector2.z (),// = yvector1.x() * vector2.y () - vector1.y () * vector2.x()...
float a = 2.0f * Vector3DotProduct(I, N); ret = Vector3Scale(N, a); return Vector3Subtract(I, ret); } Vector3 refract(const Vector3 I, const Vector3 N, const float ior) { float cosi = clampf(-1, 1, Vector3DotProduct(I, N)); float etai = 1, etat = ior; Vector3 n ...
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result += vector[i] * vector[i];} return sqrt(result);} // 计算余弦相似度 double cosineSimilarity(double vector1[], double vector2[], int size) { double dot = dotProduct(vector1, vector2, size);double length1 = vectorLength(vec...
typedefMatrix< float, 3, 1 >Vector3f; 行向量RowVector: typedefMatrixRowVector2i; 静态-动态-矩阵 静态矩阵:矩阵是静态的,即编译时候就知道运行结果,例如Matrix3d:表示元素类型为double大小为3*3的矩阵变量,其大小在编译时就知道。 动态矩阵:有时候运行完之后,才可以知道,这里使用MatrixXd:表示任意大小的元素...
使用SSE内部函数进行矢量点积计算:__m128 v1 = _mm_load_ps(vector1); // 加载第一个矢量 __m128 v2 = _mm_load_ps(vector2); // 加载第二个矢量 __m128 result = _mm_dp_ps(v1, v2, 0xFF); // 进行点积计算 提取点积结果:float dotProduct = _mm_cvtss_f32(result); // 提取点积结果...
printf("The dot product of the two vectors is: %f\n", result); return 0; } ``` 在上面的示例中,我们定义了两个长度为3的向量vector1和vector2,并将它们作为参数传递给dot函数。dot函数计算它们的点积,并将结果打印出来。 使用dot函数可以实现许多有用的功能。例如,在计算机图形学中,可以使用dot函数计...
实现类 SparseVector: SparseVector(nums) 以向量 nums 初始化对象。...dotProduct(vec) 计算此向量与 vec 的点积。 稀疏向量 是指绝大多数分量为 0 的向量。 你需要 高效 地存储这个向量,并计算两个稀疏向量的点积。...进阶:当其中只有一个向量是稀疏向量时,你该如何解决此问题?...SparseVector v1(nums1...
charge coupled delay charge coupled regist charge exchange poten charge factor value charge four-vector charge lamp charge low charge of surety charge pump group charge recombination charge transfer struc charge transit timech charge-in chargeamount chargebar chargecomposition chargeconjugationcons chargecont...
capability see energy capability set capability vector mac capable capable of working in capacitance electroni capacitance switch capacitary dimension capacitated facility capacitivediaphragm capacitivelyloadedlin capacitive relay capacitivesawtoothgen capacitive storage ci capacitivetuning capacitive unbalance capacitive...